Items I need

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Experiment with them when you are not on a shop and see if you find them to be useful tools.
I started with just a PC and an all-in-one printer/scanner which I already owned. I only purchased other equipment as I found a need and more importantly, enough return on my investment to justify the purchase. I didn't even buy a digital camera until the month where I could line up $300 worth of jobs from one company alone. I would never recommend a new shopper spend a lot of money on devices directly for shopping until they have decided it is going to be an ongoing endeavor.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
I absolutely agree, Lisa. While more equipment/better equipment may make life simpler or more opportunities available, those decisions really need to be cost effective.

Sherri, if you have the basics in place: computer, internet connection and some way to scan or photograph receipts so that they are legible and can be uploaded with reports, then everything else is 'gravy'. If your phone or recorder expedite taking notes for shops, use them.

For what? what?

Can you clarify, a sentence would definitely help someone answer your question.

These are items we independent contractors (IC's) use for our businesses.

jeena121 Wrote:
> For what?

~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~

Proud To Be A Soldier's Mom
just a thought I already have an IPod that takes pictures and an added app that also takes pictures,my IPod is synic to my netbook computer so I can put pictures online.and as a side bonus I hyave alot of fun wth it.They are not that much to buy.
If it takes good photos that are a reasonable number of megapixels, it should work. Some shops require a date/time stamp, so that would be helpful.
Sherri Wrote:
> I've got an iPhone with a scanner and a hand held
> tape recorder will that be enough?

Other required items:

Printer ink

Other optional, but certainly useful items:

Good Booze
Energy/Meal Replacement Bars
Booze, giggle, that's funny. I love shopping, I started in March. Right now I have a digital camera, a desktop computer, multi-function printer, and a clipboard for revealed shops. I'm looking at hidden cameras that you have on your person for video shops and dvrs to help with notes. I live in Missouri where only I need to know I am recording so I am covered there. Start simple and slowly add to your store of tools as you go. That way if you decide its not for you there is little you have spent.
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