Non-Responsive Schedulers

Recently I picked up a shop of a testing service through one of the scheduling companies. After signing up with the MSP, I received an email saying that I would receive information as to logging on to the testing company's website so I can schedule the test.

It's been over a week, I have heard nothing further, and the deadline for the shop is approaching. I've written to both the scheduling company and the MSP twice, but have gotten no response.

I don't want to blow off the shop, since it pays pretty good, and I don't want my rating with the scheduling company to suffer.


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Start looking for phone numbers--from emails, on web sites, etc.

If the job is indeed assigned to you on the company's website, you may even find in the guidelines there is the information for testing sign up or a phone number.
She won't. I know the shop well. You just have to wait for the client to process a fake id (it shows you "paid"winking smiley before you can register and all this can take time. Just keep emailing the scheduler and let the scheduler deal with the 2 MSC's that are invloved in this-it's an international transaction. If you get too close to the date they will extend it (at least that is my experience.)

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
I finally heard back from the scheduler yesterday that the shop was canceled by the client. I'm new at this (2 months) - does that happen very often?
I'd say no, it doesn't happen often. I've only had a few that have been cancelled - for reasons that had nothing to do with me. 'Stuff' happens on the other side of the business.
Not that often, but yes, it happens.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
It happens and it also happens that shops get delayed. I was doing shops earlier this month that were supposed to be done during the first and second week of the month. I had started them and it was obvious that although folks were trying to be helpful from a memo they had received about an upcoming program, they had even less information that I had as a shopper because the program had not actually rolled out. We were told to stop shopping while the client got their act together. Eventually the shops got modified to something else because deadlines were passing and the program rollout had still not occurred.
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