Snap Audits

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If being an employee means fair wages and benefits AND I LIKE MY JOB, I'd get rid of IC. In advance I'd say if you work with me on my scheduling, I'll work with you on emergency assignments or whatever. That's the only way I'd switch.
I liked Castforce untIl I was knocked around for the first and only time by my hubby-still completed six jobs in a day, and came home to the military kicking him out after the doctor narced only to find he retaliated and turned off all our phones and Internet and took my car... it took two days but I was able to find a ride to McD and started uploading everything to find he also took our computer chargers and ran down our charges... they cancelled my job and tore up my contract. Domestic advocates in Hawaii wanted me to fight it but hello?!? I'm on crutches, about to be out of a home, no car (was forced to quit my real job). SIGH. AND kids to feed. No phone. Oops I'm off track. I didn't have time or money for $230 dollars or so.
@spicy1 wrote:

No worries, apology accepted

Sorry, but I wasn't apologizing for you pointing out my CS lied to me. I do thank you though.
Lazy, i dont know what youre talking about. You font have to do this. Theres enough crazys already, so just stop yourself.
Actually, you know what, just go ahead and be yourself. Just reminded me to call my daughters and my frinds and coworkers and tell them how greatfuul i am that they are such wonderful human beings

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2016 08:48PM by spicy1.
I have done work for snap audits, and nothing but positive here. I was paid on time, and everything was correct. I noticed a job didn't pay out, so I called my Contractor person, and they helped me out. One item will be paid next check, but it was my fault for not reading the Bissell correctly.
I did three gift card inline display installs by myself for CAST. It took me a very long time. I am a small female. I actually got the CVS employees to help move displays.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2016 02:09AM by Gagirl70.
Likely will be a very long time, if ever, before you are compensated. Thought the gift card installations were to be scheduled as two person events?
Hi All, First time poster here, been "lurking" for quite a while though and have appreciated all of you here.
I have been an IC for Castforce for around 6 plus years. I didn't work for them as of end of last year when they transitioned to CAST due to some pretty intense medical issues, I didn't work at all for almost 9-12 months actually at all.
About 6 weeks ago I decided to try going back to work. I had already signed on w/Snap Audit this summer and had been watching for work that came up that was relatively easy, to ease me physically back in.
I did the gift card "audits' that were during November, and noted that not many stores had been reset at all, and those that had been, were not right.During that time I agreed to do the Amex holiday visits as well, those were ok, except long time managers were very upset that their stores were no set properly if at all to current pog. They were still waiting for CAST to show up to either correct things, or do the reset at all.
So, last week I agreed to do the next wave of holiday visits. The specs were simple, there was no kit being sent to us, pretty much get the displays filled and fluffed for the holiday craziness.
Here's where I'm just shaking my head and totally fed up.
The specs changed, after agreeing/accepting to do the job. A kit was sent. They want not only to use the kit and fill the display, but to reset the fixtures to the current pog. During the one visit at $10.50 a store.
The kits showed up unexpected at my home today, 10 stores with 10 kits weighting in at 26 pounds each.
It took the fed ex guy and myself a bit of time to even find a place for these HUGE boxes.
After dealing w/ this company (or rather their "former self') all this time, I am pretty much done.
For the amount of money per location, compared to the amount of time put in, it just isn't worth it.
And I'll add, specs to print out were 6 pages long, not sure about the visit sheet, what the heck?
Anyone else out there feeling the same way?
Sadly by contracting with this scam operation Snap/Cast for $10.50 you basically have assumed a liability. At $10.50 per visit, after factoring in your travel time and expenses, in store time, time handling the kits, you have agreed to work for about half of minimum wage but in all reality Snap will never pay you so no worries on handling the taxes. Worse yet, you now have ten worthless kits that are a liability in that they are "kit liabilities". You basically are held liable for the kits in that Snap will deduct them from your mythical pay check should you actually not complete your charitable work for Snap at CVS. Best thing you can do is put the packages back on your porch and call FedEx to pick them up ASAP.
As far as your stores being upset with the work previous merchandisers performed..... the stores contracted for full resets.... SNAP hired for partial and light resets. CVS and the IC's for SNAP are all victims in this scam.
Yes, the Fex Ex gentleman and I had a very interesting conversation about the possibility of refusing these kits.
I understand what you are saying goldrunner,we shall see what happens.
Anyone else have any input with what is happening with this company?
Yea, in my opinion, just front reading the "Overview" (which I will reprint BELOW) you should have known this is not a $10.50 job, this is at least a $110.00 assignment. Why would you sign up for it? You obviously went ahead and did some of them, since you said you spoke with the Managers at the stores. How they are valuing these assignments is beyond me but it's irresponsible in the least. But for you, or anyone, to take the assignment and then complain about it means that you don't know what you're doing and how to bid a job. That's what they rely on, people who take these at $10.50 and then feel like they have to do them, for whatever reason. I hear people on the Mystery Shopping forums saying "I took the assignment, then found it would take 3 hours, take 2 hours to get there, I had to print out 80 pages, I had to give them my first born child.......but I DID THE JOB ANYWAY because I didn't want to ............fill in the blank. That's why companies do it, because they can. There's a sucker born every minute.

You should NEVER have accepted those packages; call FEDEX and have them pick them up or call Cast and tell them to pay you the $100 these jobs are worth or have them send a label or drop them off at the store! Get serious about your business and call your manager and offer to complete these assignments for what they're worth.

And Goldrunner, you did the same thing. You read the instructions, decided to do the job ANYWAY and then you just keep crying about it; get it together! You didn't even have to get a picture of the sides of the POGs, just the front so you didn't even need to set the sides when you found out you chewed off more than you could eat. You didn't finish it so you didn't get paid! And Cast requires a Manager sign your paper. How did you get the Manager to sign your paper when you didn't set it to POG? I take the Merchandising side of my business very seriously and I don't appreciate having to go and fix things for people who leave a mess.

Contracted businesses will visit CVS locations to perform the following tasks:
Sign in on the Vendor Log upon arrival, meet with manager to review LOA and visit objectives
Work with store personnel to locate any back-stock or new shipments
Record the card data for Card Alerts
Ensure the Main display is set to the planogram with tags and replenish with any back-stock
Ensure placement of the headers and signs on the Main display
Ensure the Secondary/Pharmacy display is set to the planogram with tags and replenish with any back-stock
Ensure placement of the headers and signs on the Secondary/Pharmacy display
Ensure the Wireless display is set to the planogram with tags and replenish with any back-stock display
Ensure placement of the headers and signs on the Wireless
Ensure placement of Wireless acrylic fixture – set on base or on top of display
Record the number of missing pegs from the Main, Secondary and Wireless display
Ensure the Top of Checkout displays are set to the planogram with tags and replenish with any back-stock
Balance card stock between all displays with same facings
Record the Out of Stock status of each card in the store
Note the number of empty facings per display
Work with the store to update the Balance On Hand for the out of stock cards
Take a picture of the front of each display – Main, Secondary and Wireless
Review visit with the MOD for a sign-off
Spicy... many of your observations and speculations are factually incorrect. The previous round of assignments did require photos of all three sides of the display. Most people were under the impression these were light resets, card inventories taking under an hour. If you are in store anyway most look at as extra money.
The printed instructions that the store has greatly vary from what what the IC's have. When you compare notes with the stores the managers too realize something is amiss and will gladly sign off. You would have to think that some one at CVS has to be getting a palm greased to allow "Cast/Snap" to service the stores.
As for, " I take the Merchandising side of my business very seriously and I don't appreciate having to go and fix things for people who leave a mess". CVS maintains the displays..... take your gripes up with them. The "MOD" could care less about gift cards.
"Most people were under the impression these were light resets"

There's no impression to be had except for the "impression" that you get from the Overview. If you, or anyone got an "impression that these are a light reset' then a reset of the impression meter is necessary. So, you were thinking, well, this can't be anything like what the instructions say because it only pays $10.50 so it must be a light reset? That's on you, not the company. These companies, Snap, Customer Impact,, GFK, HS Brands, Intellishop and MANY others are trying to pull the wool over your eyes, yes, but it's for you to see, not for them to make you see. I said all of these things to myself when these companies started with this crap at least a year and a half ago! There are a lot of very poor, disabled, retired people in the US and these companies use them to get these jobs done. And they are, and will, continue to do so, because they can.

No one could possibly read that overview, that says you are responsible for resetting everything in a CVS that is gift card in nature, including changing out the signs and resetting all of the tags, plus take inventory and not know that this is not a $10.50 job.
You are correct in your observation... it's a supply and demand situation. There are now a lot of seniors and others in the workforce doing these jobs and service industry work for some thing to do and it deflates what companies have to pay to get the job done. Where I think we disagree is that in the case of Snap/Castforce.... someones grandma goes in to the store and does every single thing that the contract calls for.... say works eight hours... manager is thrilled, they are a superstar merchandiser....... Snap/ Castforce just refuses to pay.... which makes them a FRAUD.
Though I respect your opinion.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2016 06:06AM by goldrunner.
Spicy1, you are correct in this,
"No one could possibly read that overview, that says you are responsible for resetting everything in a CVS that is gift card in nature, including changing out the signs and resetting all of the tags, plus take inventory and not know that this is not a $10.50 job."
I had a Snap Audit person call and talk to me about the wording of this (because I contacted them saying I wanted to cancel the job), telling me that it really was just a simple "audit" job, like what we had with Castforce, no resetting involved.
You are correct about it being a smoke screen,and it really stinks.
Thanks for mentioning about calling FedEx,I had no idea that I could call Fed Ex and tell them to come pick up packages......the driver did record he delivered them that was it.
Because I am still healing, I couldn't even pick them up yet, it's crazy.(I never would have agreed to this project at this point if I had known).
As far as what is now on the specs of this particular visit, it is saying that a kit is required but there is no dollar amount for the kit, so their "penalty' for refusing a kit,etc is what?good luck with that anyway....
And, when you pull up the visit now, it says a kit is coming, but to the store.....So again, another false issue w/ this company.(And btw, no kit was required when I accepted this project, I copied the specs when I accepted the job)
I signed on for this project with the understanding to go into these locations audit what was going on, and go through their back stock and fill their displays, as a holiday visit, that to me is a $10.50 visit for one hour.
I also agree with this Spicy1
" There are a lot of very poor, disabled, retired people in the US and these companies use them to get these jobs done. And they are, and will, continue to do so, because they can. "
Because I had a store mgr tell me about a couple who came in to do the reset and they were really not capable.
It's true.Thank you for pointing that out.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2016 06:22AM by flaherblady.
For what it's worth.... put the kits/ packages outside and call Fed Ex say you receive packages you never requested. You have to word it that way as compared to "I'm sending them back" so you don't have to deal with Snap or FedEx as far as who is responsible for the return shipping costs. You just want them gone.
I wish you the best of luck.
I simply recycled that cardboard crxp. I wouldn't owe those cheap snap audits to recycle that crxp for them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2016 07:08AM by WHzl.
I just came home at 3:00 am from a store reset and found 3 large boxes from Cast on my porch. I have no work to do for them so I don't know why I received them. If these are for a job they pay 10.50 they are crazy!! One hour would be just trying to place these plus if they want pics and seeing if everything is set to POG they are crazy! The worse part is when you take these many cards into a CVS and give them huge back stock they don't like it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2016 08:40AM by bethmar224.
Hey @lazymerch. I don't have a list; put your big girl pants on and leave me out of your fits! Or not, lol. Seriously, I have enough problem people, ty

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/12/2016 04:29AM by spicy1.
lazymerch - what is your deal anyway ??

Your posts don't make sense half the time and you appear to be on a vendetta against spicy1 for no discernible reason. Watch yourself or you will get reported and will be goin' bye bye.

Geez, and you have only been here for a month !
Just spoke to my Contract operator, was assured check will be out today, I asked about the total, they told me what I expected. In case anyone else has confirmed.
Does anyone see that checks were issued yesterday?? My portal shows nothing under payments and approved invoices are still sitting there....
Does ur portal show a payment issued yesterday?? Mine shows nothing and invoices are still just saying approved
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