CVS Card Reset tips

Some stores may throw you out if you come in on a Sunday or on " truck day". Or whatever other special day they don't want you there. Pre-inventory/ inventory, Corporate walk though, district manager visit, I'm feeling like Napoleon today, etc. It pays to make a precall to test the water.

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I haven't had any trouble at all with the stores. I'm working all day tomorrow. I'm never going to get done.
My email stated that on a "light reset" you don't need new price labels on the main. On a "full reset" you must set ALL displays to the new planogram, including price labels. Thank you for posting because it made me doubt check and catch it. Of course I have all full resets.
@bethmar224 wrote:

My email stated that on a "light reset" you don't need new price labels on the main. On a "full reset" you must set ALL displays to the new planogram, including price labels. Thank you for posting because it made me doubt check and catch it. Of course I have all full resets.

That bites. I just realized a lot of my frustration and slowgoing is these stores haven't been serviced in forever. It's a total mess.
That's the problem!

I love CVS. The employees are awesome, even the ones who are uncooperative or uncaring. At least compared to some retailers, the ones that sell Walls.

When I was doing these "routine calls" that paid an hour or an hour and a half (based on $12 an hour) for CastForce, I must have made 15 calls that first day. Either they hadn't reset it or they did a crappy and incomplete job. Everyone I spoke with at CastForce blamed the CVS employees. They hadn't touched them though, they said.
@spicy1 wrote:

That's the problem!

I love CVS. The employees are awesome, even the ones who are uncooperative or uncaring. At least compared to some retailers, the ones that sell Walls.

When I was doing these "routine calls" that paid an hour or an hour and a half (based on $12 an hour) for CastForce, I must have made 15 calls that first day. Either they hadn't reset it or they did a crappy and incomplete job. Everyone I spoke with at CastForce blamed the CVS employees. They hadn't touched them though, they said.

They shouldn't blame the CVS employees. Their "event" specifically is marked "third party" or "vendor" reset. Matter of fact, it says CAST when they print it all out. The blame belongs squarely on whoever messed up to the point these stores weren't serviced. I love CVS, too. My stores have been nothing but happy to see me. But, still. LOL.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2016 06:19PM by adlib.
@Wild Bill wrote:

@AuburnHarleyMama wrote:

Yeah, i saw that email, also...

Aren't you an Independent Contractor? Can't you go whenever as long as it is in the window?

Yes, i am. However, I just found out that the "no work on Sunday's" rule is because of a state law from the state that I live in. :-(

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/26/2016 01:05AM by AuburnHarleyMama.
@AuburnHarleyMama wrote:

@Wild Bill wrote:

@AuburnHarleyMama wrote:

Yeah, i saw that email, also...

Aren't you an Independent Contractor? Can't you go whenever as long as it is in the window?

Yes, i am. However, I just found out that the "no work on Sunday's" rule is because of a state law from the state that I live in. :-(

Interesting. What state forbids work on Sunday? Is everyone closed?
@Wild Bill wrote:

@AuburnHarleyMama wrote:

@Wild Bill wrote:

@AuburnHarleyMama wrote:

Yeah, i saw that email, also...

Aren't you an Independent Contractor? Can't you go whenever as long as it is in the window?

Correction...I am an Employee, dho! Not sure where i was when i responded earlier with, "Yes, i am (an IC)" However, I just found out that the "no work on Sunday's" rule is because of a state law from the state that I live in. :-(

Interesting. What state forbids work on Sunday? Is everyone closed?

California and nope, most places are open. I've never heard of this state law and will Google it soon.

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I'm having a dickens with this PRISM stuff. None of the UPC numbers nor Item numbers are matching the POG, and of course, we weren't provided a nice color photo of the final outcome (and I've not taken one for my own file) so i am cornfused about the PRISM Visa's and which one goes where?

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I hope you found out that the cards we carried in and they called them Vanilla Visa were Prism and the Visa Metallic on the POG were Prism on the new tags, also. How do they expect us to know this? They need a real POG that gives the item number and not just a tag number. This project was a mess.
I just happened to find some $100 Prisms in a store. I really thought they were wanting the aqua ones on the RX prior to that. Now I know. Still a mess for me, LOL. But I'm making progress!
My best disaster so far was yesterday. The main display - the store had just randomly crammed cards wherever there was room. In some cases, 3 unrelated gift cards per hook. Yes, we have no backstock! Oh wait, yes we do! I can't just walk off and leave a main display with cards everywhere and piles of them thrown on the bottom of the display. 3 hours later - one shopping cart literally piled high and overflowing with discontinued cards.

THIS IS WHY SOMEONE IN A COMPANY NEEDS TO MAKE SURE YOU KEEP THE CONTRACT! Hint, hint. If we can service these bloody things on a regular basis this could all be avoided. winking smiley

They had somehow gotten 2 separate events for the RX. So, I had old tags (blue), new ones, and no tags! It was kind of well ..... a challenge. smiling smiley
@iwahstore wrote:

Most of the changes on this reset will be made on the Secondary display with very few cards being moved on the Main Display. Here are some helpful tips to make the work easier. Work on the Secondary Display first, and start on the Left side, moving those cards to the Right Corner. Everything moves on the Front, you may have to adjust the bottom three rows of pegs UP one or two holes to make room for the new row of pegs at the bottom after removing the bottom signage (Hint: Grab a small hammer from the housewares aisle to pry that signage off!). One very important point about tags, some Visa cards have the same SKU number as before but the description now says Visa Prism. Quality Control may well be looking at photos to make certain the new tags have Prism on them. One sure way to make sure tags have been replaced!

I wish I only had to remove a few cards on the main but in every store I had to move ALL the cards on the main. Most of my secondary's are where the stores just place over stock any and everywhere. So everything moved on the whole the whole display.
You're getting the full resets on the main? I've only had light ones so far. None of mine have the main full reset. I feel for you.
The store supervisors are telling me how crazy and a waste of time this is because they are getting a new reset this month. Then yesterday I received an email from another company to do resets at all the CVS's I just did for the end of Oct. Plus, there will be a follow up visit just to stock. They are paying better too. I'm to the point of being fearful of taking CVS work because of the unknown and that isn't on CVS. I use to love my work in CVS.
@adlib wrote:

What is CYM?

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You cannot replace the bottom row if they did not send enough pegs. My kits did not have enough pegs so I left the row and will state that in my notes.
slcanty ~ yeah, the kits came with all of (what?) three PEGS in them? PHFFFT!

I used up three of those kits on just one store. So, when I added, in my notes, "I used three boxes of PEGS on just this store! Please send me more PEGS?" A couple of days go by, and I actually received more boxes of PEGS! .... ;-)

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I received 5 pegs for each store and all were used on the main so there were zero for the 8 needed on the secondary. They know 8 are needed on the secondary so why don't they send at least 8? They expect 100% percent from us but they have no clue.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/05/2016 06:38AM by bethmar224.
I couldn't get the bottom off on my first store with a secondary. I even had the manger laughing at me as I tried. So no since I don't have the pegs they said leave it as it looks better plus the cards would be on the floor. The problem is you never know what QC will say about it.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/06/2016 06:03AM by bethmar224.
To get the signage from the bottom of the display simply grab a small hammer from the housewares aisle to pry it off. Works every time and I had stated this little truck in my helpful tips posting earlier. Reading all the comments can help.
I did read your WHOLE post and I did read ALL comments, that's why I took a hammer! I nor the supervisor couldn't get it off.
I'm hoping the fixture displays go more smoothly than the resets. I've finally gotten in the groove. Yes, I took too many!

On that note, I got a robocall that work must be turned in "daily". Hm. I just changed my radius. I'll get caught up as fast as I can. I'm not working 7 days a week as an IC.
If you're doing the fixture installation, the new fixtures are very bulky. The old ones are bulky AND heavy. You've been warned. smiling smiley
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