pay pal

I have a pay pal account. I signed up with a Company that asked if I had a
pay pal account and what the email was for that. I don't know of an email address
with pay pal other than my regular email I use. Can anyone help out there?

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The email address you use as a shopper is the one they are referring to. It has to be the same in your pay pal account.

I was reluctant at first to open a pay pal account, but so far so good.

cnash02 Wrote:
> I have a pay pal account. I signed up with a
> Company that asked if I had a
> pay pal account and what the email was for that.
> I don't know of an email address
> with pay pal other than my regular email I use.
> Can anyone help out there?

You can actually have more than one email address linked to your PayPal account. You just have to list it with PayPal and supply which ever address you want to the MS company. Not a biggie. Good luck!
I have a list of about 10 mystery shops I've done for several companies in the past 45 days.

The companies that pay by PayPal - - do you suppose they will notify me when the payment is made? Or does PayPal do that? Or do i just have to keep checking?
Usually the msp will first notify you that the payment has been made and then notify you again when it has been confirmed by PP

Independent Scheduler
I have used Paypal for many years as an eBay seller and I always get an email from them to let me know that a payment has been received.
In my dealings with pay pal they are top notch. I have not only an account with them but I have their debit card as well. Whenever there is a transaction either putting money into my account or on my debit card I am notified immediately. I had one transaction that was a scam and reported it to pay pal and they fixed it immediately. If you see something suspicious regarding your account immediately contact them because unfortunately there are scammers everywhere and they are good. These scammers had the pay pal logo and website just like you would see when you opened the home page. Paypal had it taken care of within a few hours. miriamhigg
The Paypal and eBay scammers are certainly around. Both of these entities are doing a pretty decent job of handling scammers when the real account owner is not being dumb. Scams are now showing up extensively with CraigsList and they are NOT set up to deal with it. The scam usually takes the format of sending a check for payment for the listed item that was 'accidentally' sent for more than $1000 more than the purchase price. The seller is given the shipping address to send the merchandise (which is totally unrelated to the 'buyer') and asked to wire back the overpayment. Of course the check is returned NSF so the seller is stuck for the shipping charges, the money wired and they have sent away their merchandise to never-never land for which they don't get paid.
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