Hello from Northern Virginia


I don't do mystery shopping but I'm applying for a couple of part-time merchandising positions (very few hours). Hoping to get some tips about managing more than one company, if it is possible. I've been a stay-at-home mom for 30 years and need to get some work experience in. It's about all I can do that's flexible because I still have one child in school (Homeschooling). Plus it seems no one wants to hire me since it's been 4 years since I've had a job. Although I do have a lot of volunteer work. But hopefully, in the next year, I can get a full-time job.

That's why I was wondering if you can balance multiple companies because the pay isn't horrible, I was paid less per hour working at a childcare center. Talk about serious underpayment and you wonder why there's always stories in the news about abuse in those places. I don't know who with a Bachelors or higher degree would work for so little money. Anyway, I'd just need a lot more hours doing merchandising. Right now I'm going through the hire process with RMS which does our local Target for 3-10 hours a week and Newsmedia which does the Smartsource. I'm not too worried about RMS. The Newsmedia job is also only about 10 hrs a week but I'm concerned there are going to be times when they are not as flexible. Also, I don't think I can lift more than 30-40 lbs due to an injury so I haven't even seriously looked at some companies that require lifting more than that, even though I'd like to do American Greetings. If all goes well with these two jobs I might be able to. I mostly want to do this merchandising during the day to leave the evenings open for a steady job when I can find one.

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Hello and Welcome!
I can't tell you a darn thing about merchandising - but plenty of others on this board can. Why don't you mystery shop? If you are looking for flexibility, it's got plenty.... Years ago, I lived in Virginia... I spent time in Yorktown, Chesapeake, and Alexandria.

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/17/2019 11:10PM by MFJohnston.
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