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I've been with for years but, only performed a handful of jobs for them due to low pay. I would recommend them tho due to always paying on time and always there to answer questions.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
It was my first MSC. Like every MSC, their assortment of clients has change over the years; they no longer have any shops in my niches and its been some time since I have completed anything for them. However, when I did, their payments were 100% on time, their schedulers professional, and their shop guides clear.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/2021 06:54AM by Rousseau.
I have only done phone or web shops for Bestmark, but they have been excellent to deal with and pay fairly promptly. They typically offer low fees for these shops, so I hold out for bonuses.
They are not very active in my area. I've done one shop for them and it was a positive experience.
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