Judy Davis??

Hi everyone. I just received an email from a woman named Judy Davis. She said she is an independent scheduler and says she works for various companies:

Service Savvy

And her scheduling site is called PrivateEyesOnline.net. Has anyone ever worked with her or for these companies?

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SusanMB Wrote:
> Hi everyone. I just received an email from a
> woman named Judy Davis. She said she is an
> independent scheduler and says she works for
> various companies:
> Jancyn
> Service Savvy
> nsiteinc
> And her scheduling site is called
> PrivateEyesOnline.net. Has anyone ever worked
> with her or for these companies?

Judy is an independent scheduler who schedules for the companies you mentioned. She also schedules for PrivateEyes Scheduling which is owned by Lysa Sampson. (Lysa is also the owner of MSFreedom.org.) I have worked with Lysa, Judy and PrivateEyes, but not other companies you mention. All the companies and people have mentioned are completely trustworthy and reputable.

Independent Scheduler

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2009 03:50AM by JoanG.
SusanMB Wrote:
> Do any of you work for companies not part of the
Definitely! MSPA membership does not guarantee that a company will pay on time (or pay at all), have schedulers that are professional and/or easy to work with, or have decent paying shops. I never use MSPA membership as a criterion for working for a MSP.

Independent Scheduler
MSPA is for the companies not the shoppers......even when some companies that stiffed shoppers .......the MSPA left them on their list of approved companies for a very long time. I rely more on other shoppers opinions and experiences w/companies rather than whether the company is MSPA member.

From MSPA site:

The MSPA is a group of companies united as a common body for the purpose of strengthening the mystery shopping industry through combined efforts and actions. It is the goal of the membership to improve and stimulate the acceptance, performance, reputation and use of mystery shopping services.
The primary goals of the MSPA are to:
Establish professional standards and ethics for the industry.
Educate providers, clients and shoppers to improve quality of service.
Improve the image of the industry through public relations and conduct.
Promote members to other industry associations and prospect clients.

also, they are adamant:
Attention All Shoppers. Please contact member companies directly; please do not use this form and do not contact the MSPA office. Your only contact should be directly with member companies.

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