Recent bad experience with Corporate Research. Just for sharing!!

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Politics ruins a site.

I have 55 shops under my belt with CRI, and my check last pay period was $500. I didn't do that on $4 shops. Not one shop rejected. Register as backup; you will be amazed at what you will get out of it, when they become desperate. This is capitalism at its best, supply and demand. CRI prices itself to the market; you have to understand the system and play with it.

I have lost shops, in the past, but that is true with any company. They have this funny idea that the MSPs think that if they don't get paid, you shouldn't either. Follow instructions to a tee..... CRI is usually simple in its requirements.

My favorite bad story about CRI is that between doing the phone call part of a shop and the visit (a few hours), my contact went into labor. They disallowed my shop, saying I needed to talk to the same person. But it was the client that did so; my scheduler tried to go to bat for me. I don't do real estate any more.

They pay quickly (often in two weeks) and work hard. If you have a problem with a weekend shop, you are SOL. You cannot get anyone. But during the week, the live chat on the bottom of your home page is priceless. You can talk to someone NOW. And so you prepare for the weekends.

Wannabe scheduler/editor
When you encounter problems with a shop on the weekend, you are right.
I encountered problems with their software input on a Friday night. Their automated system unassigned me over the weekend before I could tell them
that their software was malfunctioning. I have suggested that they program
their automated unassigns so that they do not kick you off a shop before
they can help yoy. This was met with their usual indifference to their shoppers
I've often wondered why shops completed on Friday and Saturday are required to be submitted on the weekend. I haven't worked for a company yet that has received, edited and marked complete my reports on either Saturday or Sunday.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2018 03:00PM by Mert.
Actually, the editors are freelancers like us, and it is nice for the company to have a pile of edited reports to give to the companies on Monday. They work all weekend.

And, in a way, you are missing the point. Memory degrades over time; the best reports are written as close to the shop as possible. It has nothing to do with just rules.

Lastly, it is OUR responsibility to make sure we have all the questions answered before the weekend, not the companies. Too many shoppers don't look at the paperwork until the day of the shop. If I mess up on the weekend, it is my fault, though I hate to admit it. Of course, there are times the unexpected rears its ugly head, and it would be nice to find a qualified ear. You can sometimes find them on the online help, even on Sunday. Welcome to corporate America.

Wannabe scheduler/editor
Indeed memory degrades over time. I find that my ideal circumstance for shops are to arrive home to an empty house and no immediate need to do the laundry, start dinner, etc. That way I can get the shop reports entered immediately without a lot of other intervening "stuff". My standing rule is reports in first and if there is a necessary interruption, deal with it but reports in before bedtime. Yes, I have notes. Yes, I have my DVR tapes. So I have my backup, but if I do the reports immediately I don't even need to refer to that information except to make sure I didn't miss anything. It makes the reports much quicker for me to do. The only break between arrival home and report writing is scanning receipts and such to incorporate into the reports and sometimes starting a pot of coffee.
CRI seems to have more editors than anyone else in their company. Their job is not "editing," it's finding something wrong with your report, or pictures, so they won't have to pay you. I terminated my agreement with them after cheating me 3 times. ENOUGH SAID?
I am very happy to report that so far I love working with CRI. Usually my direct deps are there before expected, I have never had a problem w/ my reports but I also run my biz like Flash does-I consider inputting my report part of the job and it gets done immediately, as Flash stated that way everything is fresh in my mind. They have called me a couple times when no one as applied for jobs-I will only accept if it works for me. I have rejected a few of the calls and that didn't seem to hurt my status.
That being said I am beginning to feel it all depends on who is handling that particular job.
cedar city ut.
I signed up for a good paying apartment shop with them. Then I could not download the instructions. I sent them an email saying I could not download them and nobody ever replied, then I got emails saying your shop is late, so I tried to email them again telling them the situation. Still nothing! They finally unassigned me from the shop and then sent me an email saying if I wanted to be reassigned to contact the schedular. But there was no email for a schedular that I could find. So I emailed them again... nothing. The shop is still posted but they won't let me schedule it because I was unassigned. So the shop has been just sitting on thier job board for like 2 weeks. I emailed them one more time... and still nothing. I guess it's their loss when they cant find anyone to do the shop and the client gets upset with them. How frusterating!!!

By the way I did email on thier contact us/ help with shop address, in case you were wondering. I didn't see any other way to contact them. So if any of you have an email for 1 of their schedulers I would love it!!
I agree. I would not recommend them to anyone. They need to clean up their business if they want people to work for them.
Is it me or them? I have not shopped with them but have been signed up for a while. Thought I would check out the grocery shops. I got the training for one as backup so I tried a different one. I clicked the red T for training and got the test. I got to a different page that had a list of red FAlse on each shop and still got the test. Test is easy but two of the questions are either on the video I can't find or the paperwork I can't get unless I get the shop. I guessed at a couple I did not know, which is not a good idea, failed the test then got out of the system. If I click details I get the test or whatever I click I get the test. At least, so far, their test do not try to trick you.
It has been a while since I did training or testing with them. I dutifully sat down one night and qualified for everything that was available only to discover that none of them were worth doing at the posted prices. I'm sure that these get bonused and of course my old trainings have long since expired, but I haven't had the urge or incentive to go retrain.
Deech...yep I sorta felt like I was being set up to fail. Now that being said I have completed a couple small jobs for them but...and there always is a but....for a lousey 7.00 job the hoops I had to jump through-the pay was there when promised and thats always a good thing...just have to really decide what you are willing to do or not do.
cedar city ut
Yes, decided, because we need to wake up and smell the coffee, eventually $7 and $8.00 jobs will be extinct. The price will go lower and lower until you work for nothing and get reimbursed for what you eat or buy.
I could live with that if they all paid $190 reimbursement like Morton's shop does! I will trade my time/words for a high end experience like that (but I got a fee too...yay.) But for $10 or $15 reimbursement and no fee on a restaurant that requires any narrative at all. Yes/No questions, like Gap has on my $45 Japanese BBQ, but narrative for a token? No. Too many restaurant shops go off-kilter and then become a nightmare of a writing project....

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
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