A Huge Mistake, wrong date

I just signed up with MarkerForce and did my first shop, fast food, today. I ran home, did the paperwork and was extremely careful. Now, tonight I just realized that I did it on the wrong day. It should be done tomorrow. I emailed the help desk but have not had a response. I could do it tomorrow if I could get the paperwork again but I can't. I feel so stupid for doing this. Has anyone else down this? What a start,

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Of course you aren't the only one to make a mistake like that and you won't be the last. It is harder on your first shop for a new company. You did the best thing by offering to reshop the location tomorrow. Let's hope they will just be able to accept today's shop. If not, you got your practice in todaywinking smiley

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Plus there's a very good chance they can take the report for today unless it's a client that has each location shopped multiple times a month.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
Thank you so much! I hope they will accept it. i took on a supermarket assignment tomorrow but I still could do that fast food one again tomorrow if they would resend the paperwork. I hope I get an answer from them!
Yes, it was good practice and the reimbursement was not all that great so I didn't lose much! i did that on purpose thinking I would start small but never expected to totally mess it up!
I just got an email from them. They have already invalidated my report and told me to go to the website for other assignments. Oh well. I had a nice meal anyway.
I really thought they would either accept that report or allow you to go back. The good news is you can choose another assignment and my guess is it will be done on the right dategrinning smiley

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Here are the things in your favor:

1) You did the shop
2) You reported the shop
3) You 'owned' the error before they pointed it out to you
4) You offered to reshop on the correct date.

Considering that most MSPs bellyache all the time that shoppers just 'flake' and don't do the shops and don't communicate, you certainly will not be marked as a 'flake'.

I believe there is a rotation requirement on the fast food shops because they don't want you to be recognized. That may make it impossible for them to let you do it again tomorrow. There is also a window for each shop of a location so that shoppers don't overlap. If today was also in 'your window' they probably should be able to accept the job but if it was outside of your possible dates they may not be able to.

I mention these things not to discourage you but rather to let you know that there are non-punitive reasons why they may not allow you to reshop.
Weird coincidence: I did almost the exact same thing today. I completed a grocery shop for another company. Got home and realized I had actually scheduled it for tomorrow but put it in my calendar for today. Fortunately, I had a weeklong window to do the shop. I just clicked on the link to change the scheduled date and changed it to today. I completed the report and I think it should be ok. I'm not sure if my rating gets penalized for a reschedule, but I have rescheduled several shops with MarketForce before. Not because I did them on the wrong day, but because a better shop came up and I changed my schedule around.


Could I have a receipt please?
The occasional reschedule should cause no issues. I believe any given shop you may only reschedule once without going through the Help Desk (maybe it is twice, I've never rescheduled one more than once). In any event, I always figure that the fewer reschedules the better.
Once I went to the casual restaurant the day before I was schedule to do the shop. When I was filling out the report, I got a flag message asking why I did not complete the shop on the correct day. So I called MF the next day, explain the situation and offered them to complete the shop that day. They let me complete the shop.
I didn't get any flag at all when doing my report. I wish I had! I did my second one yesterday, a grocery store, and I was extremely careful!
margeryprk Wrote:
> I just signed up with MarkerForce and did my first
> shop, fast food, today. I ran home, did the
> paperwork and was extremely careful. Now, tonight
> I just realized that I did it on the wrong day.
> It should be done tomorrow. I emailed the help
> desk but have not had a response. I could do it
> tomorrow if I could get the paperwork again but I
> can't. I feel so stupid for doing this. Has
> anyone else down this? What a start,

In the future, the first thing I would try is to reschedule the shop for today's date, as soon as you notice it's the wrong date. Note, this has to be done before reporting it, not after.

Yes, it's a bit sneaky, but if the day you did the shop is also a valid date, it's a lot better for your shopper rating to have a reschedule than having a shop invalidated outright.
Flash Wrote:
> The occasional reschedule should cause no issues.
> I believe any given shop you may only reschedule
> once without going through the Help Desk (maybe it
> is twice, I've never rescheduled one more than
> once). In any event, I always figure that the
> fewer reschedules the better.

It's twice on most shops, though they say some can only be rescheduled once and some not at all.
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