Theatre Trailers

I don't understand Theatre Trailers. Can someone please explain what you do? What is the advantage. Do you stay and watch the movie?


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It is one of the easiest assignments. You get a letter of authorization from the ms company which you submit to the manager for entrance into the theater. You then write down the names of all movie trailers shown for the ms company targeted movie. The manager then signs off your form, and then you simply call in the results via 800 number. They usually also want you to record audience reactions. They usually pay $12.50 for one film, and $2.50 for a second one. Check your theater times on Wednesday via the net, then chose whatever trailer checks suits your own time schedule. Make certain you locate a pay phone in or outside of the theater, as 800 numbers called on cell phones are not toll free.

Most trailer checks are for first showings on Fridays, but some can be done anytime Friday or Saturday. You are not supposed to stay for any films, but almost everybody does, and the staffs in these huge multiplexes are too busy to worry about whether you have left the building or not.
Arch, you know we live in the same area. When is the last time you saw a pay phone? Are you allowed to use the phone in the theater office?

I would not ask to use the manager's phone, and all of the theaters have a pay phone either in the lobby or just outside the front door.
If a CLIENT is not named in the same thread as the MYSTERY SHOPPING COMPANY then you are okay. What you cannot do is in a thread about XYZ Mystery Shopping Company talk about client ABC who they shop. So generally, scan the topic and the thread and if XYZ has not been mentioned you can mention ABC and vice versa. This thread has mentioned neither a company nor a client thus far so you can mention one or the other.
In answer to Basquescot's inquiry re: Theatre Trailers, Certified Field Associates or [] is where my offers come from.
I think that usually you have to agree to check for every screen. And that means you'd have to be waiting around 30+ mins in between, for the next screen to start showing the trailers. Is this right?

MSPA Gold Certified. Areas: Louisville KY, Lexington KY, and central KY.
arch stanton could you please tell me what companies offer thee types of shops the movie trailer shops.sincerely esimons
CRI offers a lot of them, they specialize in movie theater shops, not just trailer checks. They have some other merchandising as well. []

MSPA Gold Certified. Areas: Louisville KY, Lexington KY, and central KY.
One MS company that offers movie trailers is Certified Field Associates or
Mintel is no longer ding them as per one of their schedulers. It was just a one shot experiment for their client..
I would like to know what the call-in reporting is like. Does it ask you a question and then start recording your answer, and then move onto the next question? Do they say "describe the audience reaction" and expect a sentence or two about it? Also, there is no paperwork, just the phone call?

MSPA Gold Certified. Areas: Louisville KY, Lexington KY, and central KY.
shoppergirl Wrote:
> I would like to know what the call-in reporting is
> like. Does it ask you a question and then start
> recording your answer, and then move onto the next
> question? Do they say "describe the audience
> reaction" and expect a sentence or two about it?
> Also, there is no paperwork, just the phone call?


I'd like to ask you about your tag line. How did get badged for the airport?

It's not a safe internet practice to post your phone number on any forum. All kinds of creepy, slimy and spammy types surf forums to pick up personal info, even though the people here may (or may NOT BE) safe. You're unlikely to get jobs that way anyway. You need to apply directly to companies.

ChannelWatch does movies, don't know about trailers.
Channelwatch does not do trailers.

They shop a small theater chain located in the NYC tri state's an incredibly easy assignment. But good luck getting paid by them !!!
I read that Service Sleuths did them at one time, however I haven't seen any recently offered by them. Corporate Research International offers lobby merchandise checks for a very small theater chain in NJ sometimes. I'm sure there has to be more besides Certified. One would think that these theaters would seek out other MS companies for their audits, since Certified is so horrible.
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