How do You Get Enough Sleep?

I try to count backwards from the time I need to get up so I'll sleep at least eight hours. Then an editor has a question and I have no idea how long that's going to take. Another company sends me forms for signing up that they need tomorrow. I first contacted them almost a month ago but they waited until they have an assignment in my area. I decide to crowd all of my assignments for one geographic area in one day and, guess what, I now have so much work that I stay up late. I pick a day that I'm going to take off each week, whichever one is going to work. It gets filled, not because I accept more work, but just because. . . . a company changes their day for me to do the work (usually merchandising and not MSing there) or the computer died the night before or whatever. I've found if I don't allow time for odd things such as editors with questions then about every ten days I'm overwhelmed. Sometimes the editors wait until long after I think the shop was accepted, and I have to look it up because I don't remember the details!

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Because I tend to be up late, I rise late. My body insists on its 8 hrs and if I short it a few days, it is determined to 'catch up'. So, for example, I have been burning the candle at both ends and last night thought I had gotten a miserable night's sleep but enough was enough of trying, I might as well get up. I thought it was about 5AM and in reality it was 11:20AM. I had slept a pretty solid 10 1/2 hours. So now I am 'caught up'. Editors and such have always given me 12 hours or more to respond, so that really is never an issue. I have a reasonably good handle on when my schedule will be busy, so I just avoid scheduling more stuff then. The money would have to be awfully good to do the add ons, and rarely is it that good. I don't like feeling overwhelmed and I will protect myself as much as possible from being overwhelmed. That is the road to burn out and really disliking what we do. Far better for me to be underwhelmed with a little spare time to smell the roses or trim the goats' hooves.
I sleep 7+ hours, trying to put stress body needs sleep to restore, and I get it...if for some reason I do not get a good nights sleep and wake up in the middle of the night, I'll watch a late show and usually sleep another hour in the morning, but 99%, it's an 8 hour night. I fall asleep around 11:30 and wake at 7:30. My work is put to rest around 4ish.

Live consciously....
I could be wrong, but it sounds to me that you are taking last minute stuff because you feel obligated. If they cannot get you the info on time, just say no and explain. your sleep is more important and the schedulers will figure it out.They know that you are a good shopper and should treat you better if they want to keep you. You are driving yourself nuts. Not worth it.
cynb, I don't always take last minute stuff, but when things such as an unexpected question from an editor I'm not accustomed to working with come in, I could be put behind. The point is that the next day is scheduled already. I have only a little time. Sometimes I know I can leave it til the next morning and finish it during my computer time before 8AM. I generally work more than full time. I don't have the freedom to do just what I like. Our income pays the bills but we need emergency money as well. Right now, I have saved to have someone come and fix up the bathroom, but my husband's car died. The first two options for repairs didn't work and he's still got to work on it today. It just so happened he had this weekend off but he had hoped to do chores.

I'll sleep if the house needs cleaning, but not if I have reports. I don't take last-minute assignments, especially from the purple portal. I don't even answer the phone if it's them. Have you noticed that their people have a script and they are required and bound and determined to say every single word even if we've done the same assignment a jillion times? They waste my time.
Sandra Sue - You can go at this problem a couple of different ways.

(1) You can limit the amount of jobs per day. This will get your reports done earlier and you can have a more normal bedtime. I understand there are sane, normal, intelligent shoppers who do this. Not me. Good luck with this plan.

(2) If you have an opportunity for out of town work or a huge day locally and you know you'll fight reports all night, DO NOT schedule work for the next day.

Let your machine pick up all calls, or don't give out your number.

You need sleep, and it's part of your job to get it. Your scheduling habits are the problem. Get a grip on yourself.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
I never get enough straight sleep. 3-4 hours a night and I nap in the afternoon for a few more. I'm a night owl and have no trouble staying up till sunrise. I enjoy the peacefulness, I know my family is home and tucked away safely, I know the phone's not going to ring and no one will knock at the door.... Very relaxing for me. And I can watch all the old B&W movies on TV that I want with nobody complaining yawning smiley)

" I think there's a nap for that."
I make sure to get at least 7 hours whenever possible. I was once a journalist and am used to writing detailed narratives under very tight deadlines so when I sit down to do my reports I become a writing machine. As a result, my reports are usually done by 11:00 or 12:00.

To relax after being all keyed up I just burrow my face into a soft cat who sleeps by my pillow and she purrs us to sleep.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
Since I still need my full 8 hours, if I don't find myself dropping off soon after getting in bed, I listen to books on my cd player with earphones at low volume. This lulls me to sleep fairly soon. I just have to make sure I don't strangle myself with the earphone cord when I turn over.

I've heard that as you age you need less sleep. I keep waiting for this to happen, but not yet.
I have suffered from various sleep problems for most of my adult life. Because of that I read and pay attention to every bit of info on the problem. I know darn good and well that if I am on the computer too late then I will have a hell of a time getting to sleep. I then pay the price of waking up about the same time every morning regardless of how late the night was. For me there is nothing worse than finally shutting down the computer to only be bright-eyed and bushy tailed for at least another 2 hours. I've had to face it that trying to keep up that kind of pace is cumulative and every part of my life suffers. On the other hand if I get my butt to bed at a decent hour and get the best rest possible then I am more than equipped emotionally, mentally and physically to deal with the challenges.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
I work during the daytime, eat lots of healthy fruits and vegetables. Do enough exercises, thats how i get enough sleep..
Thank you for bringing this up, Sandra. As a newbie (still) it is something I work with and am always making mistakes with! Seems like every time I plan a day off for myself, something MS-related gets scheduled in. :-(

As for being on the computer well into the night, I do that. The reason it's hard to sleep after being on the computer is because the bright light from the screen keeps the melatonin (which makes folks drowsy) from secreting into the brain. I have heard that if I can't sleep, it's a good idea to do some light TV viewing in a dark room. With me, though, getting off the computer to go watch TV can be a problem, day OR night!
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