ISO: Veggie Seeds

I know, strange place to post...but I am desperate!!!

My 3 year old wants a garden and it is late in the season. Our Walmart, etc is sold out (well of everything but okra) and I am trying to get some seeds for stuff my little lady loves. I know some of you garden so....

Does anyone have left over seeds for broccoli, green peppers, green beans, zucchini, or pumpkins? I really only need maybe 6-7 seeds of each, hoping to have 3-4 plants of each. I already tilled up my little plot of baby garden, but didn't realize the store wouldn't have seeds.

Please help, if you can. I know so many of you are gardeners and many of you live where it is warm and your seasons haven't started yet.

TIA!!!!! smiling smiley

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Lots of hardware stores still have seeds. smiling smiley More seeds than you need and not cheap ($1.49-$2.59 or so per packet), but quicker than if someone here mails them to you.
I get the whole planting seeds and watching them sprout, but this late in the game it may be tough to even get them to germinate, never mind having them bear anything. Instead you may be able to find some fruit or veggie plants on clearance. Since she is only 3 you could also take some "seeds" from a tomato or something, "plant" them then sneak out during the night and put in the real plants. Wouldn't that be fun to see her eyes the next morning, lol!

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/22/2013 02:11PM by LisaSTL.
Feed stores here have fall tomato and pepper plants for sale.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
You could also try sprouting a potato.

Although it is late in the season, you might be able to get broccoli, cabbage, and lettuce. Since they are cooler weather crops, a late season planting should work ok, depending where you're located.

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Funny, but true, story.

A few months ago we found a few pumpkin seeds in our mailbox. We have no idea who put them there, or why.
Unbeknownst to me, my 9 year old daughter planted them. Imagine my surprise when these huge leaves began to sprout among my zinnias, petunias and marigolds! We now have pumpkins growing in our flower bed at the base of our driveway. I'm sure the neighbors think we're nuts.
Curious George planted eggplants, so we had to too, this year. No blossoms yet, and I sort of dread the thought of having a gazillion of them all at once.

Some produce is actually better to plant for the fall. Kale, cabbage, brussels sprouts and the like prefer cooler weather. You can start them indoors right around now and move the starts out once the extreme heat is over. If you water them well, you can start beets in the summer.

I get most of our seeds from Their shipping is quick and reasonable.
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