Best free anti-viris, spyware and utilites for Windows 8

I just bought a new laptop and am dedicated to trying the free anit-virus and utilities programs that the experts seem to favor. However, when I searched, I found mainlyolder posts that were not specific to W 8.

Ihave 30 days beforeI uninstall the temporary Norton that came with the rig.

Also, anyone know how to get free solitaire and other games without accidentally downloading a bunch of crappy little programs?

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Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
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Microsoft Security Essentials

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
Ditto to Microsoft Security Essentials. Wish I would have known about it years ago. It would have saved me lots of money and headaches.
Well, it seems that there is a slight problem. When I try to get to Microsoft Security Essentials, I get into a loop that brings me back, again and again to a place where I would have to update to Windows 8.1 and then download the new security app for 8.1.

I have read dire warnings about Win 8.1.

What next?

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
windows 8.1 is much better then windows 8.
Anyone providing dire warnings about windows 8.1
is clueless. It is what windows 8 should of been.

= + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = +
There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots
When you try to please everybody, you end up pleasing nobody
techman01 Wrote:
> windows 8.1 is much better then windows 8.
> Anyone providing dire warnings about windows 8.1
> is clueless. It is what windows 8 should of been.

Techman, I have heard that Security essentials is full of holes and is not as reliable as it once was. Do you know anything about that? I just bought a new computer but I got Windows 7 instead of 8 because I bought it before 8.1 came out.


Motivation increases when we assume large responsibilities with a short deadline.
right now i am running the free avg version for win 8... no viruses yet... but i have only had the computer for a couple of months... my first scan did take almost 2 hours

you have to dig to find the accessories to access the disk clean up option... but now i have a link on my desk top... and like all computers you need to clean it constantly if you are using it online...

it came with the option to preinstall mcaffee which consistantly gets low ratings compared to avg or avast.. so i turned it down... best buy gave me a cd with antivirus... but it doesnt have a disk drive so that was stupid... and they probably contracted with it to ad junk... i dont trust bestbuy

i downloaded 8.1 cause it forced me to but did not install it yet... like all operating software the first release will probably have bugs so i will wait until an update comes out ...

all their games and apps demand that you have a windows live account or an xbox live account and i refuse to have that... im already using them for an OS i dont need microsoft controling my life like google or apple is trying to do

they have a pretty cool pinball game preinstalled... its fun but has its glitches as well... as to all the games that normally come with a windows pc im not sure where to get them... if you want games you can always go to a close out store like biglots or ollies and find cheap games for $1 or so

shopping north west PA and south west ny
Whatever you do, just don't download the Norton. That thing is awful, I got two viruses while using it. I don't use a free one, I pay for my antivirus through Kaspersky. I have used it for 5 years and have NEVER had any further problems.
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