Mystery Shopper Pros

Has anyone shopped for this company? They are local to me (NJ) so I figured I would give them a shot, and I'm not impressed. They had a shop for me and it paid well at $30. It was a purchase shop. I accepted the assignment, and after accepting it I was sent the detailed instructions which were not available to me prior to accepting the shop. After reading the detailed instructions, I had a question, so I emailed and did not receive a reply. After the 3rd email, I received an answer to my question and decided this shop was not for me. I emailed them immediately and told them to remove this shop from my log, which they have not. I have emailed them 4 times now to remove this shop, using 2 different email addresses of theirs. Yesterday they sent me another email asking if I had any questions. I have just today received once more an email telling me my shop is overdue.

I just don't have time to deal with this sort of negligence on their part. I emailed them back and asked to be removed from their system. I wonder if I'll ever hear from them again

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There are so darn many with similar names. If you are referring to the company that uses SASSIE and is accessible from [] they are legitimate, their prices were good though not stellar, they marked all the shops I did for them 9/10 with no explanation so that I had a clue what was needed to get a 10/10 since I was pretty sure I had followed their directions completely. I have not worked for them since 2006 as they lost the client in my area. But at that time they paid in 30-45 days.
No, this one is actually called Mystery Shopper Pros. My guess is that they are a small "mom & pop" type company. I finally recevied a reply, my email went to his junk folder.

I am going to think it over now that they at least replied.
Yes, I have shopped for them in the past and no problems, but for the last year they have not had any shops in my areas.
Ha! They finally replied. He said all of my emails went into his junk folder! That's not good.
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