Pay Quicker

I am into ending my first month as a MS. I am really enjoying myself, well, I could do without the narratives. I came across a MSC that uses Pay Quicker. I have searched in here about Pay Quicker. I have not found anything. How many MSC's use this? Do you veteran MS have both Pay Pal and Pay Quicker? And. How many sites like Pay Pal may I have to get an account for?

Thank you all for the great advice in here. smiling smiley

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There have been many discussions about PayQuicker. When searching, be sure to change the date range to "all dates" (the default search period is 3 months). Also search for ACE, which is the main mystery shopping company using PayQuicker. A couple of other companies offer payment by PayQuicker, but ACE offers no alternate pay method, so a lot of discussions about ACE have been about PayQuicker.

Welcome to the forum. Let me take some liberties by answering this question. How many methods of payment are there in the mystery shopping world?

In my experience there are five. Those are PayPal, direct deposit to a bank account, paper check delivered by mail, PayQuicker and giftcards. Nearly all MSPs will provide payment with one or more of the first three options. PayQuicker is offered by a very small number of MSPs. To my knowledge only one of those uses it as the only option (Ace). Another offers it as an option along with PayPal and a third option (check, I think). Gift cards are offered by only one MSP to the best of my knowledge.

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
I use Payquicker (ACE) and it is okay. It does require photo ID though. They seem secure and so far, so good. Not one problem with them.
I do a decent amount of work for a company that uses it. I have no problems. They pay me through PayQuicker, I go in and transfer to my bank account same day, two days later it's in my checking account.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
Clear Evaluations uses PayQuicker as an option. I have had zero problems with it. It is fast and free to me.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
PayQuicker isn't bad, yet it is also the only company that will charge you (usually $0.50) per transfer as opposed to PayPal, which is $0.00.
Ace has always paid that fee for my withdrawals. I think it's one a month but it's been a long time so I can't say for sure they still do that. PayQuicker does assess fees if there is no activity in a few months so be sure to transfer at least once a month if you do a lot of shops, or every time you get paid if you seldom shop for them.

Time to build a bigger bridge.
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