sassie acct

Is it necessary to get a sassie account?
How or where does someone go to get a sassie account?

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SASSIE is just the reporting platform used by some of the companies that offer mystery shops such as Bare, Service Sleuth, Intellishop and others. There are also other platforms such as ShopMetrics, ClientSmart and Prophet. Then there are companies like Maritz and Market Force that use their own software. Some companies offer shops on two different platforms, such as Service Intelligence, Freeman and TNS. is where you get a sassie account...

its free and no cc required to sign up

after a month free they no longer let you use some of the perks... they do not charge you ...

if you are just starting its a great place to sign up and get some shops

80% of shops are found by signing up at three free sites,,, and

they are not ms companies they are third parties who send your information to those who need it in your area...

wish someone had told me that when i started... would have saved me probably 20 hours of signing up...

the other 20% are the ones that are generally higher paying and harder to find...

good luck

shopping north west PA and south west ny
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