Have you ever used the restroom at a grocery store before becoming a mystery shopper?

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Have you ever walked in, while on assigment, for the first time in a rest room somewhere and wanting to turn around and run?

I visit a gas station monthly for mystery shopping and every time I dread it. If it wasn't for the money I would never visit it again. It is SO disgusting. Filty, wrecked, small, nasty. I always make sure to have some old rags on and a plastic cover in my seat of my car. I always have to buy food but that I throw away, couldn't bare to eat it.
A gas station near me has a unisex restroom in a separate building. Luckily the door opens towards the convenience store so I could stand in the relative shelter of the door to snap photos. The door had no lock except a padlock to use overnight. The toilet was most frequently clogged and overflowing when I used to do shops there. I never set foot into the restroom (forgot my waders) and standard procedure was to knock and if nobody yelled from inside, open the door on a held breath with the camera ready, shoot and scram.
Man oh man. Why pay for mystery shopping if the same problems gets reported month after month after month, with no demonstrated improvement.
Sure beats the stuffin' outta me. Actually I suspect the reason is that part of the station's contract is that they are required to pay for their monthly evaluation. Based on that evaluation they may or may not get a bonus. If you are so far out of compliance that you will never see the bonus, why bother fixing anything? If you are keeping you nose clean with the law and making enough money, many companies will not close you down. Clean up and maintenance cost money, so if you are getting by without paying that expense, that alone will probably save you more money than the bonus would be.
My worst so far was a gas shop I did Monday at a convenience store/gas station. I asked about the bathroom and the clerk pointed me around back to two porta-potties. It was 9 pm and dark, not lighted in back and I smelled it as I rounded the corner. NO WAY! Thank goodness I didn't need pictures, I just had to answer the question "Was a bathroom available?" and explain my answer.....
Oh yeah, I had 4 pregnancies in 6 years, I know where the restroom is in every grocery store! And I shop with those kids so yes, I have accidently left something under the basket and under my purse in the top basket where the kids are suppose to sit. It's natural, people do it all of time or they wouldn't have the bathrooms available to customers. Newer stores in our area, Eastern Wa,, are putting bathrooms right up front and easy to get to.
In the matter of the restrooms...I ofter wonder what people think about when leaving them in the condition they do. I mean...do people go number two at home, and NOT wash it down? Or do they pee on the walls at home? Or throw paper all over their bathrom, draw and the walls, spritz water all over?

I never ever use a public bathrom, except for the one time I really really had to go, and couldn't wait the 4 minute drive home. I had a whole role of toiletpaper on the seat and marched right in the shower when I got home.
Most of the restrooms I encounter in public places are far from gross. Perhaps it is one of those ways that mystery shopping keeps them on their toes. Perhaps it is because the clients who choose to have shops done already have clean facilities as part of what they know their clientele expect. While sometimes the floor mopping could be better, pretty uniformly I find that if there are bits of trash on the floor it is because they are using tissue that is not perforated and tears awkwardly. Non flushing is an issue only when toilets are clogged because somebody put waaaaayy to much tissue and seat covers down them. Mostly I find them well stocked and clean. Mirrors seem to be a big problem in terms of how the restroom looks because once the silvering starts coming off the back of them, no amount of cleaning and polishing will every make them look really clean again. But I run into very few restrooms where there are even water spots on mirrors from customers shaking the water off their hands.
We now live in a hand sanitzer hygenic world. In the BR, one must check the toilet,the sink for working order, and the drying appliance whether it is the air or paper towels. The restroom is not clean, if the toilet doesn't flush. One should keep some handi-wipes or personal size hand saniter in their purse
I usually go to Starbucks (unisex) and after coffee go to Ralphs Supermarket next door where they have seperate bathrooms...have used it when neccessary when and when not working. Years ago, I wouldn't, but as an above poster stated, age says go, so you go!!

Live consciously....
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