
I'm new, and have only done 2 shops so far, but think that I will love doing MSing! My first shop was for Cirrus Marketing, and I was tickled when I received a score of 10 smiling smiley but then I read where I have to invoice them for payment. I can't find where the instructions are to invoice, and I have never done that before. Also, how do I know when the deadline is? They say to wait and submit one invoice at the end of the month for all shops that month, but that is all the info I can find.

Also, I did my second shop for Best Mark. It was to a store that I love to shop at anyway, tho it was a little harder as I had to remember so many more details. The shop has been 'verified', which means they accepted it, but I was wondering if they rate their shops like Cirrus so that I know how well I did? It sounds like they pay via paypal and I don't have to do anything... is that right?

Thanks so much for all the info that is on this site! I read many of the threads before applying to several companies, and it made me excited to try shopping instead of nervous! smiling smiley

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Look around the general information on the Cirrus site and if you still don't find invoice instructions, contact your scheduler or the company.

BestMark does not share information about your shop grade. There are some companies that do and some that don't. A good rule of thumb is if you don't hear any complaints you are good.
Welcome to mystery shopping! I think you will love it! Bestmark doesn't give grades. I think if you get paid then you can be pretty confident they were happy with the report. If they have to call you or change anything about your report you get part of your comission reduced. I can only think of one company where you actually have to invoice them. Two tops. Mostly you just submit your report and think nothing more of it!
BestMark pays by check, and they pay every other week. And like the others say, if you don't hear anything from them, you are fine.
I have been trying to find the info for invoicing on the cirrus site, but I can't find any details. I have emailed my scheduler, who was very prompt at answering my emails before the shop, and now she isn't answering them... sad smiley
If you look at all the attachments they give you, they include a blank invoice for you to fill in. You also only have to turn in one invoice for the entire months worth of shops.
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