Cellphone Shop - Closed! Help!

Today I did my first cellphone shop (T-mobile) and it was closed because it's systems were down. I asked them when they'd be back up and they said they didn't know. The scary part is that this location is said to be known for scouting shoppers as mentioned in the description. Well, while I was taking a photograph of the store timings (I had looked in the window and didn't see anyone, it was dark) a man popped his head out of the door - I then decided to try and cover my butt by saying "Oh I was just trying to get pictures of the timings" (which is usual for me, I save all kinds of pictures on my phone so I can remember different things - like in parking garages when it's rather big and I want to remember the colour, section and such so I can easily find my car or computer details when I go looking to buy a new one so I can compare them at home) but I'm afraid that they might have just figured out who I was. So then I asked for directions to the mall and explained I was new here in town. Luckily my husband was with me and he has an accent in English, so it may have been convincing? I'm so worried now!

I submitted my report as "closed during business hours" and then explained the situation, well, except for the photograph part, but that the systems were down and the man was friendly and gave me directions to another location. Do you think they'll accept it? What usually happens in these situations?

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The MSC who does T-Mobile is usually pretty good about paying for shops when the location is closed (permanently) or not in service for some reason. Document exactly what they said and upload your picture as your documentation when you do your shop report and you should have no problem. I have done 5 or 6 over the last year (T-Mobiles)that were closed, 4 permanently closed and 2 for other reasons. One was a kiosk in a mall and had a hand lettered sign "Closed for Inventory." The other was just dark and the building was padlocked (yes, padlocked! bad area?). I took pictures of both those and didn't get any questions from the editors and they paid for all the shops.
I think I know who you did the shops for and I would expect no issues.

There are several different ways that MSPs handle closed locations. If they specify you should call first, they are not likely to pay for a permanently closed location. If you call and they are open, then go and they are closed because of something that has happened in the intervening time, it is a coin toss about getting paid.

Many companies will pay a partial fee for your trouble if there was no required pre-visit phone call. Many will pay the full fee anyway. You will get a sense of the companies that you will care to work with in the future based on how they handle a situation such as this.
I have encountered that three times with that MSP. Twice I did not get paid, once I get paid half the fee.
Wow! I'm amazed to hear that sometimes shoppers don't get paid on these! I always have, by this MSC, even when they provide a phone number and tell you to call first and not to go there if it doesn't answer or is disconnected. When they provide the number, I usually (unless I've been there before and know they are there and open) call; if they are disconnected, I write the report, reporting exactly what the recorded (or the operator) message says. If when I go to perform the shop they are just "not there" for some reason, I take a picture to upload and explain they weren't there in the report. I've always been paid the whole fee. I think that seems fair. Another MSC (that shops a different cell provider) tells you upfront that if the location is closed, they will pay you only half. But the one that does T-Mobile, I always do a report, closed or open, and I have never gotten any questions from the editor, and I've always gotten paid the whole fee.
Considering how many different companies do cell phone shops, including shops of the same location by different companies, obviously policies and instructions differ. I have learned with one company, for example, to take enough photos to fill every needed upload (business card/brochure 'proof' of visit, front of business, etc.) to complete the report without contacting the scheduler. When I do it this way, the report gets accepted and paid in full. When I call the scheduler to tell them the location is closed and ask how they want it handled, they just delete the shop from my log with some vague comment of 'trying to get me paid' and half the time they forget. So I have gotten hard nosed enough that if they don't specify what to do if a location doesn't answer the phone or is closed when I get there or is permanently closed, they get it in report format and I will stand my ground that I completed my contract and need to be paid.
Yes - that's what I do. I don't call the scheduler and tell them I called and the phone was disconnected. Their specifications don't say that; they say only that you should call first and if it is disconnected don't go there, but they don't say to call the scheduler or that you won't be paid. So I write the report and say that, quoting whatever automated disconnected message I got. Then I upload the CPI. Or, if I've actually gone there, I snap a picture and upload that instead of the business card. The editor from this MSC has never once asked me for a clarification on one of these closed T-Mobiles. This MSC does have some other issues, but this makes me really glad I shop for them. I had no idea other MSCs might not pay you .... it's not the shopper's fault they were assigned a locastion that has closed...... sad smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2009 02:17AM by AustinMom.
If it is the huge gobling MSC, I upload the pic instead of the biz card, and have always gotten paid. But I know of others who have not.

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