
Hello Fellow Mystery Shopper Enthusiasts. I just wanted to say that I am looking forward to learning the in's and out's of Mystery Shopping. I would appreciate if any/all of you Veteran's could share some pointers with me as to things you wished you had been told when you were first starting out as a mystery shopper. I am grateful to have found this forum and the great list of companies they have posted. Wish me luck!

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Welcome, Jenn,
The best way to get a head start is to go to the New Mystery Shoppers area of the forum. The dozen or so topics "pinned" to the top of the list there were set up by veteran shoppers to give someone like you the essentials, all in one place.

Enjoy !

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Yes. Thank you for your reference to those post. I actually saw them right after I had posted my introduction. I appreciate your timely response though. Thanks again. Have a great day!
Hi Jenn! Welcome!

My answer to you would be that I wish I was told to be diligent about proofreading my own work for spelling errors and grammatical errors such as verb tense congruence, singular/plural agreements, proper capitalization, proper punctuation, and proper usage of apostrophes. Also, be mindful of common homonyms like your/you're and their/there/they're. One's submitted work will be scrutinized by editors who will rate it accordingly.

I wish you all of the best of luck in your new endeavor!

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