Low credit score required for survey/mystery shop.

I've seen various mystery shops and surveys that require you to have a credit score of under 600. There is this particular one that pays $50 and I am missing out because I have a 753 credit score. I began to wonder if I should max out my credit cards and default on some payments in order to reduce my credit score. But then I realized that I would miss out on the mystery shops that require a good credit score, so I quickly disregarded my scheme. Has anyone have similar thoughts when seeing all these low-credit score related shops?

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No!! $50 is definitely not worth lowering your credit score, not even $5,000 shop! There are many other shops that pay as much that do not require credit score at all. When you purchase a car, house, apply for a credit card, your payments and interest rates depend on your credit score. You want the highest possible credit score, always!
Miss you Dave. How is the Breakfast Wine?

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
DavePi, where HAVE you been??? I've been getting worried about you! Glad to see you back in the Forum.

Anyhow, yeah, my credit score is 793, and I'm ineligible for those "under 700" shops too! But I would never do anything to deliberately hurt my score, so don't you, either!! This is your mother talking...haha...just kidding! But I'm probably old enough to be your mum, so don't you do anything to hurt your score now, ya hear?
I was thinking about maybe racking up some student loan debt so that I could take advantage of some of the student loan shops I have seen lately. Is that the type of thoughts you are speaking of? It almost makes me want to go back to school....almost. (not)
Those of you with excellent or very good credit the TNS time share shops pay good as do certain ones from informars online credit shops that are soft hits so won't hurt your score.

Shopping Western NY, Northeast and Central PA, and parts of Ohio and West Virginia. Have car will travel anywhere if the monies right.
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