$5 Reimbursements

MSCs have clients that are grocery stores, department stores, specialty stores. How far does a reimbursement of $5 go in stores like these?

At the grocery store, I can always find something under $5. The discount department store is usually a coupon. The specialty store, I wait for a fee bonus.

Why can't the MSCs and clients come up with a decent, workable reimbursement for shoppers!

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton

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Honey inquires--Why can't the MSCs and clients come up with a decent, workable reimbursement for shoppers!

Bob replies--For a short time, approx. 15 seconds, I began forming a reply; I then realized the above is a rhetorical question. How I miss some of being 29 and sharp minded.
The reality is that as long as they can acceptably fill shops at the current fee and reimbursement, they have no reason at all to increase the amounts.

Edited to fix a spelling typo.
@HonnyBrown wrote:

Why can't the MSCs and clients come up with a decent, workable reimbursement for shoppers!

Shopping Southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware above the canal, and South Jersey since 2008

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/01/2022 11:50PM by myst4au.
The above post is exactly right. As long as contractors keep taking shops with small reimbursements and small fees, they will continue to be offered. I was so happy to see so many gas stations go past their due date this quarter. Some shoppers, and some regions/locations, at least, are finally saying no to low fees.

On the other hand, I am happy that many other shops get picked up for peanuts. It helps allow the cmpanies to pay big bucks for other projects and stay in business. Every $75 gas station I do is subsidized by a $10 gas Station that somebody else did.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/01/2022 11:47PM by thunderdeacon.
At least where I live the current environment of shops not being taken is due to Covid. Most everything used to fly off the boards at base rate but now even prime jobs go unselected by shoppers. My only conclusion is that many here do not want to be indoors unless absolutely necessary and then for a minimal amt of time.
One MSC that has grocery shops with a reimbursement of $5, starts their fee at $11.00. Once in a while I'll take one or two at that fee. However, they are really good, in my area at least, for raising their fees! I've done many, many, many bonused grocery shops for them with fees of $21 and up. So with fees that high, I don't mind a reimbursement of only $5. I always get stuff I need anyway, so it's a win-win for me!
I get what everyone is saying. I had a recurring weekly shop at a grocery store. The reimbursement was $1. I used it as a coupon and bought a $200 item.

I see very few shops that are bonused. Most stay at the $5/$5 and still fly off the boards.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I am only able to think of three reasons people work for a pittance:

1-Desperation for any money.
2-A need for an activity to fill their lives.
3-Being a shopperaholic and as such, not able to control the urge to complete assignments irrespective of the fees. This is NOT the same as a shopaholic.
Another reason is that the shop or MSC is new to the shopper. The shopper needs to develop a track record to ask for bonuses.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I shop based on what fee the client offers. I could care less how much the reimbursement is so long as it covers the required purchase.
I do the grocery shops where you have to put an item on the bottom of the cart and see if the cashier catches it before you check out.

It's very difficult finding something someone would normally put on the bottom of the basket and forget about while filling the top of the basket with a combined total of $10 of reimbursed groceries.

Luckily the scheduler will bonus the shops if they are not in my immediate area.
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