Need Shoppers for CANDY STORE VISITS!

Hi Shoppers!
Are you looking for a FUN and EASY shop to complete? We have added candy store visits at IT'SUGAR locations throughout the US. You will visit the store and make a purchase of at least $8 in bulk candy. Shop pays $20, which includes the purchase.

Visit takes less than 10 minutes to complete. Survey is Yes/No responses with no long narratives. Entire shop (visit and survey) can be done in about 15 - 20 minutes.

Go to [] to see all shops available on our shop board and to request assignments. You may also register as a NEW shopper on this site.

Email only with any questions or feel free to post them here.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

Kimberly Peterson

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Sweet! I love this store, and just applied for a shop near my area. Will there be any more locations added?
We have posted the locations we’re currently shopping and expect to add more in the future. We’ll be adding other clients to this site as well. Thanks!
Hi Kimberly,
Are coupons allowed on these shops? I did not see anything on the guidelines prohibiting this.
That’s a great question! Let me verify with the client on Monday as we hadn’t discussed the use of coupons on these shops.
Hi Kimberly,

Did you ever find out if coupons or discounts were allowed? My last receipt says I can get 15%off and I wanted to see if I could use it for my next shop today.
Kimberly, I have done this specific assignment in the past....very easy and fun to do. What is the name of the company who does them now? I don’t have Market Approach in my book. I want to know where to find the available assignments. I’m in NJ

Thank you.

LInda Kierstein
Bummer! None in my area.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
These are really FUN shops! We have them posted on our site at []
MarketApproach has been managing mystery shopping projects for TNS and Kantar for over 15 years. We added this new site as we have new clients we are managing projects for on a monthly basis.
This company does not have candy store shops for me. I like that they do have timeshare assignments. smiling smiley
Yes!!! And adding pizza and chocolate shops in FL soon : )

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2018 09:32PM by kimberlyp.
I sent an email about one of these down in Savannah (Bluegreen) vacation shop I just want to know more about what's expected...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2018 02:48PM by MidGeorgiaGirl64.
Our shop locations change from month to month. We had lots of shops last month in Arkansas but none currently. We do have shops in MD currently posted.

Definitely need more shoppers in SO FL!

Make sure you are registered on BOTH of our sites so you are alerted when we add new shops.


Thanks and we look forward to working with ALL of you : )
Do you generally have assignments in NYC? There's nothing listed at the moment, but I realize things might have been snapped up.
We have monthly shops in NYC. You're correct that those shops are currently scheduled for September. We're running projects in NYC on BOTH our sites, so make sure you register as a shopper to receive the notifications.

I look forward to working with you!
What’s the incentive of sitting through a time share sermon when they give you the same offers of free stays and sometimes more? There’s no pay correct? Thanks
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