Market Force

Stay away - especially from one of their parent companies - Certified Field Associates - You wioll do the work and not get paid

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Certified is NOT the parent company of Market Force. Market Force purchased Certified and that company is now one piece of Market Force. The other pieces of Market Force are fine in my experience. I'm about to put in a couple of nicely bonused shops I did for them today and there is no reason to believe I won't be paid and in a timely fashion.
I enjoy working with Marketforce. My schedulers have really been very nice. I'm always bonused and their ff drive in shops are easy. I started off just doing one or two shops, but now they are one of my major MS companies. I love it when they call. I haven't tried Certified too much because of all the negative talk on the forum. There was one I did take for Certified and the business was non-existant. I got paid anyway without a fight. They have some merchandising jobs I would like to try, but I've been hesitating to take them.
My check for two standee checks for Certified in early Dec. came as an MFI check (not DD...hmmm) in late Dec.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
They have added more questions to one of their FF shops for 2009. The fee is still the same, just more to type and report on now. sad smiley
I have always gotten paid by Certified but some of their jobs...I don't get out of the car for anything less than $12 and they actually want to pay $6 for a major marketing job that involves finding a manager and going into a store room to locate product! MF is very slow to pay. I was paid weeks ago for shops I did after MF shops.
SusanMB Wrote:
> I have always gotten paid by Certified but some of
> their jobs...I don't get out of the car for
> anything less than $12 and they actually want to
> pay $6 for a major marketing job that involves
> finding a manager and going into a store room to
> locate product! MF is very slow to pay. I was
> paid weeks ago for shops I did after MF shops.

MFI (not Certified) pays on the 15th of the month following the shop. So its anywhere from 16 days to 6 weeks, depending on when your shop was scheduled for.
They pay like clockwork.

Certified seems to be paying on their old schedule still, but the checks are now issued by MFI.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
data1025 Wrote:
> They have added more questions to one of their FF
> shops for 2009. The fee is still the same, just
> more to type and report on now. sad smiley

Just when things are going good they gotta change things, you know. LOL
The new reports are a PITA.
Have done several shops for them. I think they were much better before joining forces with SG and Shop n check. They now do alot of fast food shops. Never had problem with pay. They are now offering shops with no fee and only $5.00 reiumburse which is a bit much. Might as well work for free. Many of the shops depend on what area you are in, but they are really into the fast food shops if that is what you like.

Hmm... I have not seen any of those shops yet. The lowest I have seen is $10 reimbursement for a chicken FF shop.
$10 is by no means MF lowest paying shop. I see $4 and $5 shops all the time. My favorite was the $1.75 phone shop. I don't care if it's a phone shop and only take me 5 minutes, making the call, doing the report, and that darned CPI for $1.75???? Really?? I found that to be an insult to shoppers and I can't believe anyone would take them.
I'm happy enough to do their $3 phone shops because they are quick, easy, and I can do them during special times like waiting for the washer to finish, the commercial during a TV program I'm watching or even make the call while nature calls. And yes, the CPI is a drag.
SusanMB, I thought you meant reimbursement only shops. I have never seen a reimbursement only shop for less than $10 that I can recall.
They had reimbursement only shops with a cap of $7. Right now the only shops they'll show me in my list are $1.75 phone shops to places in CANADA. (I'm in the US) They're spiteful creatures.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
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