Movie Mob - Getting Paid To Go To The Movies??

I was doing a quick search on myspace jobs since they sometimes post independent contractor positions and came across another site that claims they pay you to simply go to the movies and send in your stubs to them via mail. Here's the link: [] I already signed up since they didn't require any social security numbers, but just wondering if they REALLY do pay. Supposedly they claim to pay you in "stock shares" that you can later sell. Anyone with experience or knowledge in this, please post. Thanks!

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Sounds like a pyramid scheme, not connected to legit mystery shopping. You should have researched them online BEFORE you signed up. Don't be surprised if your spam email suddenly triples.
I agree sneakers after thinking more about it. Thank goodness, I haven't received any spam mail after signing up. I did receive one confirmation e-mail from them for joining and it just stated that they only pay you via stock shares. Of course that seemed flaky and the fact there is no address or contact information for the company on their website seems to proove it's just another site that should be reported to the Internet Fraud Commission.
There is a new one I just signed up with, but not shopped for them. One of my internet shopping friends has worked for them for a while, and really recommends them. Here is the info on their webpage.

Hanover Media Intelligence and Surveillance (HMIS) is a company whose roots run deep within the Entertainment Industry. HMIS is the new face of Hanover Security Reports and Security Systems, founded in 1968,
providing market research and box office auditing services to
all of the major film studios for over 40 years
Ok I will try to find it. I love the movies and hope to find more companies that do these since Criny deactivated without good cause. How can they keep doing that to people and is there ever any way to ever get back in or do I even want to?
Stay far, far away from Channelwatch. They will not pay you and give a transparent lie about problems with their bookkeeper.

Too bad, their shop of a small NYC area theater chain was an absolute piece of cake assignment. But you won't get paid, so avoid them please. does some movie theaters but none in the northeast so far. They also pay quite well.
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