Helion's website is a nightmare.....

I recently signed up for Helion. Their website is the most user-unfriendly of all the msc sites I've seen, and I'm signed up with over 100 companies!

When I want to see available assignments, it takes several minutes for the locations to pop up while it is "synchronizing. I found a cell phone store available and signed up for it. Then I find out that I have to do training. I click on the link to begin training and the screen turned blank. I waited over 10 minutes and nothing happened, so I logged off, tried again, and the same thing happened. I ended up trying several times with no luck. Their system is archaic and slow.

I ended up having to cancel the assignment. If companies want us to work for them, is it too much to ask that they have decent software?

Ok, off my soapbox. smiling smiley

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What till you get a check and they convert it to Euros. So promised amount is not amount received.
> What till you get a check and they convert it to
> Euros. So promised amount is not amount received.

Wow! So why does anyone shop for them? Nothing about this company sounds appealing.
Actually, the scheduler was very nice and we did have a misunderstanding about pay. So if I were going to take any more shops the scheduler offered I would confirm whether, for instance, the shop is compensated 12 USD or 12 EUROS. The telephone shops were easy and after the conversion I was paid about $11 USD per shop which is not bad. The editors were quick to review the reports and they did not nit pick.

I agree that the website is not very good and, in fact, I had to get the scheduler to assign the phone shops to me as when I attempted to locate shops in my area the website showed none.
Well, I did my first shop for them. Their website is pretty dodgy. It almost made me look forward to my CoRI reports coming up!

Hey guys!

It`s really strange because I’m working for Helion since several months and neither me neither my friends have some problems. They`re correct with the payment and every time that there is a new project i receive a notification e-mail. It`s true that from time to time there are some technical issues but when changing the browsers usually this helps.
I've twice applied for multiple shops for them and got nothing either time. With the slow website it's just not worth it to log in and see what they have.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
My problem is that when there are shops here locally they do not show up for me. I suppose it has something to do with my demographics. I always have to email the scheduler and last round I did not get any shops.
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