Canadian Mystery Shopping Companies

My namwe is Angie and I am from Canada. Does anyone else live or know of good mystery shopper compamy in Canada?

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One of my favorite companies is Service Intelligence, which is Canadian though they have a lot of shops in the US. There is also an odd little company I signed up with a while back that turns out to be Canadian and only have shops in Canada. It is called Sensus. Sign up for Sensus at [] and for Service Intelligence at []

I'm sure there are many other ones, but those two immediately came to mind.
I am a shopper in Canada and live in Windsor Ontario.
I am experienced as a Shopper,Merchandiser and investigations.
Looking for more work.
kssaicha Wrote:
> Shop dates March 31st to April 15th, 2008

I hope you also have a more recent one, Aicha.
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