Issues with Shoppers' Critique Site

Has anyone else been having a hard time with the Shoppers Critique website? Every other day or so I can not get the pages to move it seems. I can login, but after that it just stays on the same page. It's been that way both on my laptop and on a public library computer.

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Be sure and arrow down to the bottom, then hit your state. I am having trouble with them assigning jobs. I apply and it takes them forever to assign, by then I have other stuff to do.

Live consciously....
I am having issues with there request board. Once I check a "shop", I hit the request bar at the end of the page. The page returns again with the word Cancel under the "request" word. Why is that?

Then the top of the requested shops now says I can't self assign.

When I click/check request box on Tuesday, the dates may be within 4 days. (which is why I requested it). I will check my EMA everyday for assignment, so I 'll return to the website b/c I have not heard anything by Friday . My request will still be there but now the next set of day will be enclosed. What 's up with that?

I understand rotation, but it does not seems like anybody is doing the shops b/c they are still there.
THere are 7 shops in my 5 mile radius and I can't get a one. (casual dining, $25)

If I can't self assigm, then quit sending me emails "WE have shops in your area, please help us."

I don't think I am havibg the problem of lisams901, but I may be looking at Irene_L.A. situation.

Any other SCI posters can U help?
Every time that I try to get to their site I get one of those "site not found" error messages today. Anyone else having a problem?

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I gave up entirely as the shops stay there and the dates keep changing. Why does anyone care how many shoppers have applied? They were one of my favorites until a year ago.
After a day of not being able to log in, everything appears to be fine.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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