Snap Audits

No, that's why I called. But they confirmed check was issued.

@susan2327 wrote:

Does ur portal show a payment issued yesterday?? Mine shows nothing and invoices are still just saying approved

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I also received payment, it didn't show in the portal until this Monday, and got the payment Tuesday afternoon. (I live in So.Fla and it only came across the state.)
Do your research, this little person is one of the owners of the company. She has been involved with Castorce and Cast Retail. They are a legitimate company. I will not state any anything more.
Hi, Tammy, I recently did some work for your company. I am not happy at some of the tactics being pulled.

I happened to notice on an assignment I accepted that the rate was changed from $35 to $10.50. I noticed this after completing one location and was uploading my results. I had several other future locations scheduled and noticed all those rates were also changed to $10.50. I called my contact regarding this, but at that point he left for vacation. I spoke to technical support who said that the higher rate was there prior to Christmas as an incentive and was still listed "in error" after the holiday; that is why it was abruptly changed. I pointed out that I did not receive an e-mail on the project until after the holiday, with a start date of 12/26, and received a confirmation e-mail on the 27th listing the $35 rate with all my accepted locations..I was also a little annoyed that despite communicating earlier with my contact about several cancelled projects (not notified on these, either), there was no mention that the project I accepted was cut from $35 to $10.50.He said I was welcome to cancel all those accepted assignments at no risk of affecting my score. Imagine your company judging anyone on their reliability after pulling stunts like this on contractors.

Don't you have an effective way to communicate with your contractors on such matters? I have received robocalls bordering on veiled threats regarding assignments that were already late when I accepted them, but not so much as an e-mail regarding slashing pay rates. Cutting contractor's rates after accepting projects is low enough, but this is so sneaky and abusive that it defies any rational explanation.
I feel bad for the client. Obviously they hired this company in good faith to ensure that displays were properly stocked and maintained for the holidays. There are still hundreds of locations with pre-holiday start and end dates that were never accepted at the low-ball rate. In the end, everyone loses.
Some one at CVS surely got a few $$ to award the contract to "Snap".... the gift card displays all look like crap compared to competitors like Rite Aid and Walgreens.
@goldrunner wrote:

Some one at CVS surely got a few $$ to award the contract to "Snap".... the gift card displays all look like crap compared to competitors like Rite Aid and Walgreens.

Good! CVS deserves every crappy looking display out there! sad...because it is so easy to create a great looking display! We just need the right company to pay the right price, so we can do the right job!
(Poor Grammar, i know...but it just felt better saying it incorrectly! Go figure.)

******* ***** ***** *****
To the World You Just Might Be One Person,
But to One Person, You JUST Might Be THE WORLD!
******* ***** ***** *****
The gift card companies put out gift cards but there are conglomerate marketing companies that put them all together on displays and they pay for space at these stores; the store does not own them anymore than the United States Post Office owns the gift card displays or Hallmark displays that are in them. CVS could give a rat's ass if they are done or done correctly!
Does it seem odd to anyone to get a QC issue 3 weeks after a project completion?
If it was Cast I would think it was odd. I haven't taken enough assignments from Snap to know what they're doing now or how long it takes. But, for any merchandising company, 3 weeks is a long time and very odd.
The breast pump endcap at Target. I mean, after 3 weeks, I'm like what are you even talking about? Refresh my memory please. Goodness.
Did you set up that endcap for $10.50? I hear the word endcap and I think $50 minimum but maybe it was very easy
The store had set them already. I did another store that had everything on a cart. It took all of 15 minutes to clear the endcap and reset it. It really was super easy. Not a lot of product at all.
@adlib wrote:

The store had set them already. I did another store that had everything on a cart. It took all of 15 minutes to clear the endcap and reset it. It really was super easy. Not a lot of product at all.

Mine didn't take all that long either, I have not gotten an issue on one of these yet myself, sorry I can't help.
Did everyone fill out the SnapAudits Contractor Survey? I did! What were your main suggestions? Mine were the outdated Walmart Manager signature requirements and accepting half baked work by Merchandisers that the retailer is making me clean up before I can do the work I came there to complete.
I'm new to working for SNAP and just have a question about how long it takes to have the invoices go from "Awaiting Approval" to the "Approval" stage. I did several of their Walmart vacuum checks last Wed (5/10), and was just wondering how long it takes to get everything approved, as the 3 I did are still in the waiting approval phase. Thanks!
From what I have seen, it really varies. Some are approved within 3 days but many of mine are 15 days out already in the awaiting approval stage. I did the walmart, bb and targets. I complete around 9 targets and they were all approved within a couple of days except 2. Same with the wonder woman displays. So, I started to image, since the client would certain not say, hey, Snap Audits, I'll take 85% of the results now and you can hang 15% for later, they might be holding some because they've met their payment threshold for the next payout period. I worked for an Accountant once who would float checks. He had an 8' x 8' calendar to float 3 months, that smacks of this.
Well, I appreciate your reply and your insight, Spicy. That's very interesting. My 3 were all in the WM, so maybe, because there are so many, it's taking longer. Or, it could be what you suggested. If it doesn't change within the next 24-48 hours, I think I'll contact my go-to person....whatever title they SNAP, and ask about it. When I did the two financial offices last month, where you had to scrape off the hours of operation from the door, and put on the new ones, the invoices were approved within 48 hours. So that's why I was curious about the vacuum assignments.
Mine are currently:

5/18/2017 Awaiting Approval $10.50 6/16/2017

5/12/2017 Awaiting Approval $11.50 6/16/2017

5/12/2017 Awaiting Approval $11.50 6/16/2017

5/12/2017 Awaiting Approval $11.50 6/16/2017

5/11/2017 Awaiting Approval $11.50 6/16/2017

5/21/2017 Awaiting Approval $11.50 6/16/2017

5/21/2017 Awaiting Approval $11.50 6/16/2017

So, this tells me that they've obviously quality checked these and have submitted them to the client for payment.

The "Awaiting Approval" is a misnomer. Their system should have a "Approved, waiting for payment" status, but it does not. So, "Awaiting Approval" is the same status for two stages: Awaiting approval from quality control and then awaiting approval for payment. However, they don't move the invoice from a "named" status to a different "named" status. I told them that this causes merchandisers to fret so either they don't care about that and how it affects their business or there's nothing they can do about it in their system.

However, I have these completed one day earlier:

5/10/2017 Approved $11.50 6/16/2017

5/10/2017 Approved $11.50 6/16/2017

5/10/2017 Approved $11.50 6/16/2017

5/10/2017 Approved $11.50 6/16/2017

This, to me looks like they only work through they 10th of the month and then take off to go to the Bahamas or something.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2017 12:38PM by spicy1.
Well, after a week, I phoned my go-to person, and he indeed explained what you said, Spicy. That is, "awaiting" really means it passed QC and is awaiting approval for payment. He said it should be in a few days. So, a few days passed, and it was still in "awaiting payment". So a week after that, I emailed him about it, and he checked on it, and it got approved within 24 hours. So not sure here if this is a case of the squeaky wheel getting the grease or what, but maybe your "go to" person can expedite things for you, Spicy.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2017 11:29PM by guysmom.
Guysmom, I ran into this a few payouts ago, still don't know what the strategy is from the invoices aspect, however, seemingly Friday they become updated, and my person said they updated on Friday?!?

Gold runner, I have been with them for awhile now, and I get paid for the work I do? So it's not one hundred percent fraud as you call it.
Retailmerc, I got my check yesterday for the 3 Walmarts I did checking the vacuum cleaners in May, so I'm all caught up. And I agree, it's not all fraud. Some have not had good experiences with SNAP, so I can understand their great caution. But so far, for the few jobs I've done with them, I have been paid. If anything along that line ever changes, I wouldn't work for them anymore, but so far, it's OK. Hope you get all your payments soon!
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