Saving copies of reports you submit

It is generally helpful for you to save copies of the reports you submit for a number of reasons. First it can help you replace or redo a report that has somehow mysteriously disappeared when you sent it. Second it can help you reconstruct the report when a company notifies you that somehow it corrupted. Third it can be your reference for what was considered a good report last time.

There are also some other things to consider. When you accept a job you are representing yourself as a competent observer. Rarely will you be called upon with questions about your report beyond a scheduler needing clarification, but if you are, it is useful to have a copy of what you submitted. In rare cases employees may be disciplined or fired based on your report, and you need to know exactly what YOU submitted, not what any parties may have edited your report to represent, if ever a question is raised.

With the SASSIE companies, at the end of your report, after you have submitted it, there is an offer for you to make a pdf copy. Do so and save it to your computer. Generally I have created a folder on my computer for the company I am doing the job for that already contains a copy of the downloaded job instructions and a blank copy of the questionnaire. I simply save my copy of the submitted report to the same file with a name such as "Docs Burgers final report 4 21 09". Some other companies have you do a review of your report before you submit it. You can generally do a screen save or select all/copy/paste into a Word document. I never print these out because I rarely need to refer to them again, but if I do, I want them available.

Note that screen shots will not save narratives that don't completely show in the box on the screen. This is one of those good reasons to compose your narratives in Word and copy and paste the text in to the report, then save the narrative such as "Docs Burgers narrative 4 21 09"

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