The Two Reasons Why I Walk the Perimeter of Gas Station Shops

Well, the first reason is a no-brainer. It is something we should do as a matter of performing the shop. Check the curbing, the air pumps, the MID, etc.- whatever the client wants us to check.

The second reason is just crazy!

You've heard this before, but I'll say it again, for some reason, I can spot cash of various denominations just lying in the grass. It is though, becoming more prevalent as I walk the perimeter of any gas station shop.
Are some folks that oblivious or careless with their cash that they lose it with the wind? I don't know. Just last week, as I was walking the perimeter of a "Yellow" gas station, I looked down and at my feet was a damp, folded twenty dollar bill.

In the past few weeks, I have come across, tens, twenties, fives, and one dollar bills, not to mention the coins lying about the edge of the pavement or in the grassy areas.

Since I am a believer in giving without recognition of doing so, I can say without anyone here knowing who I am, much of the found money is given to a charity.

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I have never once had that happen, and I've done literally thousands of gas stations. I need to start looking down more!

I rented a car in Savannah last week and went to put my sunglasses in the holder thingy in the ceiling. When I opened it there was a receipt in there and a $10 bill wrapped in it. The receipt was from April!
I did not donate it to charity.

Seriously, nobody cares that you're offended.
It's been a while since I found cash at a station shop. Though I did find someone's driver license last week (turned it in to the cashier). Gut feeling says the money is from lotto customers who have no idea how much they just spent in the store that they don't even realize it, and dropped it thinking it was a losing ticket.
Charity begins at home. Or in Savannah, in this case.

@Hoju wrote:

I have never once had that happen, and I've done literally thousands of gas stations. I need to start looking down more!

I rented a car in Savannah last week and went to put my sunglasses in the holder thingy in the ceiling. When I opened it there was a receipt in there and a $10 bill wrapped in it. The receipt was from April!
I did not donate it to charity.
I always put money I find in to charity. And for what it's worth, the cow that my leather wallet is made from was named Charity.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2019 11:15PM by Aquiest.
@KA047 wrote:

It's been a while since I found cash at a station shop. Though I did find someone's driver license last week (turned it in to the cashier). Gut feeling says the money is from lotto customers who have no idea how much they just spent in the store that they don't even realize it, and dropped it thinking it was a losing ticket.

I once found a lottery ticket, stuck it in my pocket and forgot about it.

I checked it one day.

It was a $5 winning ticket.
I don't find money but I always find lottery tickets. I pick them up and check them. I want to win without buying a ticket. That would be so fun.
So you owned the cow or a friend had a farm and owned the cow...and did the milk taste good? I hope they retired her at a ripe old age before tanning her hide.

@Aquiest wrote:

I always put money I find in to charity. And for what it's worth, the cow that my leather wallet is made from was named Charity.
@CoffeeQueen I always save found lottery tickets. In many states, they have a second chance option with a drawing. I won $500 that way.

Shopping the South Jersey Shore
When my kids were little they found money all the time. Probably because they were closer to the ground. Thanks for the reminder to keep looking!
I would have guessed any money found around a service station is from a drug deal gone bad. Be careful out there!
My city must be very broke only thing I find are cigarette butts and the occasion used tissue sad smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/13/2019 05:10AM by Mysteriousways.
@sestrahelena wrote:

When my kids were little they found money all the time. Probably because they were closer to the ground. Thanks for the reminder to keep looking!

My son, at around ages 5-8/9, was quite the little money maker. He would get down on the floor at every store we went to, usually but not always at the checkout counter. Every time he did, he would find at least a dollar in change. Often he would find more and/or paper money
When I used to ski all the time, I would ski along the tree line and in the trees just off the trail. People's money always fell out of their ski jacket pockets and the wind would blow it into the woody areas. I found SO MUCH money that way. There was never a day skiing I didn't find something. I always treated myself to a hearty dinner after leaving the slopes with that money

Also, in the spring, walking under ski lifts nets people diamond rings, jewelry, cash, phones, etc. I've never done that because all the people who live permanently on the slopes do that early and get it all....

Edited to add: Not to mention that I don't know if I could sleep well at night finding someone's diamond ring and keeping it....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/13/2019 05:31AM by Jill_L.
@Jill_L wrote:

My son, at around ages 5-8/9, was quite the little money maker. He would get down on the floor at every store we went to,

Mom... Is that you?
I haven't had the sort of good luck finding cash, but I have returned countless cocktail rings (I know, sounds weird). When I lived int he city, and attended fancy events, or even went to nicer restaurants, women often removed their jewelry before washing their hands. I returned or turned in some honking rocks. I don't see that happen anymore, though.
@Jill_L wrote:

Edited to add: Not to mention that I don't know if I could sleep well at night finding someone's diamond ring and keeping it....

I actually did find a rather large one once, in a grocery store parking lot. I asked the manager if it had been reported. He said no, but I gave him my number anyway. I then asked the police, who also said no. Finally I asked my dad, who is an insurance agent, if there was a way to track the owner through the diamond's serial number. He asked around, but was unable to find such a listing.

I felt terrible about keeping it but couldn't think of another way to return it. I wound up selling it and donating the money.
There was a half book of forever postage stamps I found on the self serve kiosk once..............
Coins found on the ground go to the grandsons for them to give to charity.
One time I found a hundred dollar bill and then one time I lost a hundred dollar bill - so it was pretty much a wash.
When I lived in Los Angeles, I used to go running at Venice Beach. I would wear my flip-flops, put them near the bike stands, and do a few miles. One day I didn't see my shoes where I left them.

A beach bum told me that he set them aside due to the bike crowds. We got into a conversation. He spent his days combing the beach for lost items. He mostly found cash, jewelry and keys. Whatever items were not collected after a certain amount of time were cashed in and donated to third world charities.

We had a nice conversation. He was very articulate. Then he told me he realized he was an annointed chief when an eagle feather fell out of the sky and hit him in the head.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Two winters ago, I was stopped at a light and looked to my left in the median and saw a bill halfway out of the snowbank. I could tell it wasn't a one but couldn't tell what it was. I decided it was worth a look; put it in park, jumped out and grabbed it. It was frozen into the snow, and I ripped it trying to get it out. I still had 75% of the bill and it was a 10. Whoohoo! The light turned and the person behind me started honking wildly. I shrugged it off and started to go. The person behind me zoomed up beside me and held up my cell phone! I guess that I had dropped it when I got out of the car. We pulled over and he gave me the phone. I gave him the $10.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2019 06:36AM by mcav0y.
@mcav0y...that is such a comedy of errors!

I had a money find this weekend. I was out going to garage sales. I was walking down the sidewalk in an area where the whole block was having a garage sale, and laying in the gutter was a $10.

There's no way of knowing whose it was; and whoever I turned it into would claim it. So I took the kids that I had with me (my own 4 and one that is a sort of foster kid) out for ice cream.
Found money today - a short story.
Here is what happened today - Very odd.
I found a $5 bill today. Later, in the afternoon, I drove by a shopping strip where I saw an advertisement for 2 slices of pizza and a soda for $5.
I stopped and bought their advertised offer.
Good grief! the pizza slices were a quarter of a pizza each. I've never seen anything so large! Each one was in its own Styrofoam container. I couldn't ever eat both!
Of course, I could only eat one slice.
Later that day, I was at a resale shop. A man approached me asking for food or money.
I gave him the second slice of pizza and a bottle of water. I watched as he sat on a bench and savored the quarter of a pizza. He smiled and waved as I drove away.
Life can be good for the small things we see.
I seldom went to the nearby gas station which has a grocery store, until the day I was assigned a shop to count the wine brands there. I found that the beer and milk were much cheaper than the grocery I shopped regularly since then I switched my shopping store, and take my beer and milk only from the gas station.
I once found a 100.00 bill on top of a pile of sweaters at Old Navy. This was right before Xmas. I thought I was being "spoofed". I kept it.
I found $73.00 in the change pocket of a big box store self checkout. Alerted staff in the hopes they could catch the owner before they got too idea if they did though.
Another time, much younger and poorer, i bought an old chevy van, paid $500. I got it home and started to clean it out Peeled off the old seat covers and found a little plastic bag with $400 in twenties and a bank withdrawal slip dated 3 years earlier. I kept the cash, telling myself it probably wasn't even the guy's i bought it from. Besides, i did not want to return to the location...very sketchy, creepy guy.
Oh and we just found $5.00 in the water @ Marco Island. It literally floated past us. Who goes into the ocean with money in their pockets????
I found a cell phone laying on a lot once. Another time, I found a wallet and they were shocked when I turned it in. Another time a customer in front of me left money laying on the counter and walked away. They were shocked that I called to them that they for got it.
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