whats the best company you guys have worked for?

cooldude: I agree with dee.. you are going to have to supply your real name - not just an initial, your social security number and *some* bit of info about yourself in order to MS. Otherwise, you are going to find yourself running in to a lot of scams. I would be a lot more wary of a company that does not require those things.

Can I suggest that you start with Market Force and CORI? They are both fairly large and, although low-paying, you will find plenty of work available to get your feet wet in the business and decide if it is for you. After you've gotten a few shops under your belt and are getting good feedback, go to jobslinger.com and look up jobs in your area. That way you can see what companies are scheduling near you.

All the best


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Current faves, at least by quantity of work...Service Intel, Market Force ( I know, I know), Certified and Maritz. I love Merc too for their clients, not the narrative that goes with, but 2 a month is cool smiling smiley
thanks jjage... and you to soldeo... im already hooked up with those shopping companies... recieved my first check from market force today... nice 30 bucks... not bad not bad...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
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